Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsIn my position as an independent customer experience expert on the SAS Collaborators Programme, I’ve been delving into the detailed results and findings from its latest piece of CX research: Experience 2030: Has COVID-19 Created a New Kind of Customer? The exercise set out to discover how attitudes have changed,
Globus (Rouven Dörr) and DFKI (Frederic Kerber) tackle the big questions about the future of AI in supermarkets.
In conversation with Sophie Achermann, co-founder of the platform www.StophateSpeech.ch.
Im Talk mit Sophie Achermann, Co-Founderin der Plattform www.StophateSpeech.ch
¿Qué es la planificación automática? La planificación automática intenta estudiar el proceso deliberativo de razonamiento y generar una secuencia de acciones que permiten alcanzar una o varias metas. Esto se consigue mediante el uso de unos algoritmos llamados planificadores. Usos de la planificación automática Los usos de la planificación automática
I’ve never seen so much evidence from within the insurance industry that we’re on the cusp of a fundamental change. Given the disruption we’ve witnessed over the last 12 months, and the level of uncertainty that persists, it’s very difficult to generalise and predict how the industry will change as