Tag: SAS Visual Analytics

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Falko Schulz 0
Unveiling Oceanus: Harnessing SAS Visual Analytics to combat illegal fishing networks

As part of this year's IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge, a group of SAS data scientists puit SAS Viya and related machine learning tools to the ultimate test - to identify individuals in a complex fishing network. Excitedly, the team received the Honorable Mention Award for Breadth of Investigation!

Programming Tips
Nancy Rausch 0
A tip for moving SAS Visual Analytics reports in SAS Viya 4 between SAS Viya environments

In SAS Viya 4 you can create Reports in SAS Visual Analytics that you may want to move around between machines. What if you want copy a report for example from a development environment folder to a production environment folder? You may want to work on the report in one system before putting it onto a final system and making it generally available. Or you may want to have a backup copy saved for recovery purposes. This blog post provides an updated description of how to easily save off SAS Visual Analytics report content to a file and easily move it between machines.

Analytics | Programming Tips
Jongman Jeong 0
파라미터(Parameter)란 무엇인가? – 시리즈 ①

SAS Visual Anaytics(이하, VA)를 사용할 때, 리포트의 형태를 고정하고 변수만 변경하면서 그래프 및 값들이 바뀌는 결과를 확인할 수 있으면 더 효율적이지 않을까 생각해 본 적이 있으신가요? VA에서 파라미터를 활용하면 가능합니다. 파라미터의 활용법을 다루기 전에 전반적인 이해를 돕고자 파라미터가 무엇인지, 어떻게 사용하는 것인지 등에 대한 내용을 먼저 살펴보고자 합니다. 이번 블로그

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Jos van Dongen 0
SAS Energy Game: Serious gaming maakt leren leuk

Inzicht krijgen in de kracht van analytics én leren omgaan met analytische software. En dat terwijl je gewoon een spel speelt. Dat is de SAS Energy Game. Inmiddels hebben al honderden studenten het spel gespeeld en daarmee hun analytische vaardigheden versterkt. Meer mensen kennis laten maken met analytics Data is

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Falko Schulz 0
Analyzing demographics and patterns-of-life using SAS Visual Analytics

The IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge provides a great opportunity to validate our software against real-world scenarios using complex data sets. Not only do we learn from these projects, but we also send feedback to our development teams to further improve product capabilities for customers.

Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Matt Scicchitano 0
Access for success: SAS Certification practice exams now offered for free

Here at SAS, we understand the importance of having access to cutting-edge professional resources. That’s why, for more than 40 years, we’ve provided individuals in programming, data management and analytics fields with low-cost and no-cost materials that promote success in their educational and professional journeys. And today, as the demand

Data Visualization
Diana Maris 0
Successful citizen data scientists need to know these three trends

Data visualization is a critical way for anyone to turn endless rows of data into easy-to-understand results through dynamic and understandable visuals. Whether your favorite visualization is a pie chart, a geographic map or relies on natural language, showing the insights that empower you to make more informed decisions is a better way to do data-driven business. Analyst firms say that SAS has market-leading data visualization. This helps users across the globe find insights in their data using new and exciting trends in data visualization.

Analytics | Data Visualization
Joon-Hyung Koh 0
AI 기반의 쉽고 간단한 Clinical Data 탐색 및 시각화 #2편

지난 블로그 포스팅 #1편에서는 임상시험 전 과정에 참여한 내.외부 모든 이해관계자가 임상시험 데이터에 쉽게 접근하여 진행 상황을 파악할 수 있도록 지원하는 SAS Visual Analytics 솔루션의 기능을 소개해 드렸습니다. 이번 포스팅에서는 이러한 AI기반의 SAS Visual Analytics 분석 솔루션을 활용하여 임상시험 SDTM 데이터의 탐색 및 시각화 리포트의 활용에 대해 알아보겠습니다. Clinical Data

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization
Joon-Hyung Koh 0
AI 기반의 쉽고 간단한 Clinical Data 탐색 및 시각화 #1편

임상시험을 비롯한 모든 업무에서 분석은 필수이며, 점점 고급분석을 필요로하고 있습니다. 이번 블로그 포스팅은 2편으로 나누어 1편에서는 임상시험 전 과정에 참여한 내.외부 모든 이해관계자가 임상시험 데이터에 쉽게 접근하여 진행 상황을 파악할 수 있도록 지원하는 SAS Visual Analytics 솔루션의 기능을 소개합니다. 이어 2편에서는 임상시험의 SDTM 데이터를 활용하여 SAS Visual Analytics 솔루션에 어떻게

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