
Unlock critical business opportunities with maximum uptime and minimal administrative overhead

Cloud | Data Management
Hans-Joachim Edert 0
Balancing cloud challenges with containerization strategies

Cloud computing and containerization are two technologies that directly impact a CIO's core responsibilities: delivering IT services efficiently and effectively for the business.   Beyond their technical implications, these technologies represent a strategic shift toward meeting business needs for agility, scalability and faster innovation. Striking a balance between opportunities and

Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Lindsey Coombs 0
A developer workbench: The perfect environment to build AI and machine learning models

Developers and modelers face challenges when finding and validating data, collaborating across groups, and transferring work to an enterprise platform. Using a self-service, on-demand compute environment for data analysis and machine learning models increases productivity and performance while minimizing IT support and cost. In this Q&A, Joe Madden, Senior Product

Analytics | Cloud
Lindsay Marshall 0
Building secure solutions in the cloud 

The SAS-managed services teams provide cutting-edge technology with dedicated service and support. Will Morris and his Build Services team are experienced SAS administrators and engineers who install, configure and tune SAS software and solutions in the cloud. With decades of experience hosting SAS solutions, Build Services utilizes proven best practices

Analytics | Cloud
Lindsay Marshall 0
Designing the perfect cloud solution for you

When organizations move to the cloud with a SAS-managed offering, SAS takes care of the design and delivery of software, infrastructure and services so that our customers can focus on using analytics to solve business challenges and see a quick return on investment. That’s where Michael Watson and his team of Technical Architects come in. Michael

Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Innovation | Internet of Things | Predictions
Spiros Potamitis 0
Getting a glimpse into the future of forecasting

In a global economy marked by fragile supply chains, scarce resources and rising energy costs, the spotlight is on forecasting to address these issues. In 2022, McKinsey & Company uncovered a staggering $600 billion annual food waste, equating to 33% – 40% of global food production, spotlighting the devastating consequences

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Reyes Cerezo 0
Así están transformando SAS Viya y Microsoft Azure el sector sanitario

La inteligencia artificial y la analítica de datos han tenido un impacto trascendental en el sector de la salud. Gracias a sus numerosos usos en esta industria, los beneficios ya se han extendido desde el área asistencial hasta el campo de la investigación.   Recientemente, tuvimos el privilegio de ser anfitriones

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 tips for choosing a statistical computing environment

When you think about life-saving technology, does a statistical computing environment come to mind? Statistical computing environments (SCE) are critical in accelerating scientific discoveries by enabling researchers to manage, process and analyze data efficiently and compliantly, maintaining the utmost regulatory integrity. As life sciences research generates increasingly large and diverse

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Machine Learning
Rubén Valdovinos 0
Modernización, un impulsor del cambio y la innovación en las empresas

Las organizaciones saben que este proceso es una tarea continua y una condición para seguir compitiendo y creciendo en sus respectivos mercados. Cómo abordar el proceso de modernización, sin embargo, requiere una planeación minuciosa, y no está exento de desafíos. Más aún, cuando involucra la adopción de tecnologías y procesos

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Antonio Calvo 0
Los datos deberían ser el activo más valioso de la cuenta de resultados de la distribución y empresas de gran consumo

Actualmente los datos de la gran distribución no forman parte de la cuenta de resultados, pero es el activo que deberían monetizar con mayor urgencia. Gracias a este análisis avanzado se puede mejorar el margen de la compañía y aumentar la eficiencia de diferentes procesos. En este artículo vamos a

Analytics | Cloud
Lindsay Marshall 0
4 ways software as a service is driving intelligent business decisions

Cloud technologies enable greater access to analytics. The shift to providing less complicated usability empowers decision-makers and offers a competitive advantage previously unattainable. Companies of all sizes and sectors embrace cloud technologies to address data and information challenges. IT departments are short-staffed and expected to support a large and varied

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
6 advantages of using software as a service for grocery supply chain planning

You're not alone if you’re still seeing local grocery stores with empty shelves.  Food shortages are still lingering in 2023. Increases in consumer demand, labor shortages and shipping capacity restraints continue to interrupt supply chains, particularly for grocery retailers. These problems have persisted throughout the pandemic, as seen with the shortages

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Héctor Cobo 0
Cinco tendencias tecnológicas para este 2023

A lo largo de 2022, el mundo siguió enfrentando un entorno cambiante dominado por altibajos económicos, una crisis energética provocada por un conflicto bélico, una cadena de suministro que se reinventa, y recuperándose de los estragos de una larga pandemia global. Al mismo tiempo, los cambios culturales, ambientales y la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | SAS Events
Lexi Regalado 0
4 ways you might not realize advanced analytics is changing the world

The word innovation often draws to mind images of self-driving cars, new phones, and shiny tech. Yet, innovation often happens behind the scenes, especially in advanced analytics. Around the world, industries like healthcare, government, banking, manufacturing, and more rely on the latest advancements in analytics. At SAS Explore, an event for

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Learn SAS | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Charlie Chase 0
Solving 3 emerging challenges for retail and consumer goods supply chains

The landscape of supply chains has changed rapidly due to unforeseen disruptions.  These changes include supply chain bottlenecks, inflation and geopolitical activities across retail and consumer goods industries. Retail supply chains are under immense pressure to keep up with these rapid changes. Innovators have been quick to take advantage of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
José Mutis O. 0
3 tendencias en el desarrollo de analítica y trabajo con datos que ayudarán ante la turbulencia en el 2023

Las previsiones hablan de un 2023 desafiante. Muchos países vivirán tiempos de cambios y de ajustes económicos, de índices de inflación impensados años atrás, de incertidumbres en el manejo de las tasas de cambio y de restricciones a recursos vitales o materias primas producto de las guerras o de las

Analytics | Cloud
Gavin Day 0
How to overcome obstacles in moving to the cloud

As today’s analytics landscape evolves with impressive velocity, organizations are hungry for solutions to eliminate barriers to moving to the cloud. While the arguments for digital transformation are clear, many organizations hesitate to take the final step and migrate their businesses. It’s not hard to find supporting evidence on the

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Olivia Ojeda 0
A previsão do incontrolável: uso de IA para prevenir danos causados por enchentes

Mesmo com a tecnologia disponível atualmente, é muito difícil prever quando, onde e como podem ocorrer danos causados pelo clima. Custos com inundações devem crescer exponencialmente nos próximos 20 anos e a crise climática é uma ameaça constante. Infelizmente, desastres naturais nunca deixarão de existir, mas podemos fazer nosso melhor

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud
Charlie Chase 0
6 advantages of using software as a service for demand planning

Getting demand right – or getting it wrong – can have a significant impact on customer perceptions of your brand, particularly in this age of instant gratification. The need for agile, accurate demand planning has never been greater. Predicting forward-looking demand signals and shifting consumer demand patterns to recommend balanced, profitable commercial

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