Health Care

Hyeshin Hwang 0
더 나은 세상을 만드는 방법

공공 고객 세미나 통해 공중보건과 공공사회서비스 개선을 위한 해법 제시 SAS코리아는 지난 5월 23일과 24일 양일간 공공 부문 고객들을 대상으로 ‘공중보건 전문가를 위한 SAS Public Health 세미나’와 ‘공공사회서비스 전문가를 위한 SAS Social Services 세미나’를 JW메리어트 호텔에서 개최했습니다. [사진1] 공중보건 전문가를 위한 SAS Public Health 세미나 장면 소외 계층 없이 전

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Data Visualization
Amaya Cerezo 0
Construyendo el ‘Máster Data Scientist’: el jedi de los datos al servicio de la estrategia

En los últimos años, la ciencia de datos ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial y se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para las estrategias de las organizaciones en todas las industrias. Sin embargo, para los data scientist experimentados, el panorama del dato se encuentra  en un proceso de cambio constante.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good
Ronaldo Costa 0
Modelos preditivos em saúde: apoio à gestão e ao bem-estar dos pacientes

Cada vez mais as ferramentas de IA apoiam a tomada de decisão e ajudam na criação modelos que identificam tendências e padrões de comportamentos que, juntamente com regras de negócios, permitem que as empresas tomem decisões mais assertivas, seja qual for sua área de atuação. As análises mais avançadas incluem

Advanced Analytics
Paul Welch 0
Using analytics for rare disease treatment: Unveiling opportunities for advancements

Rare diseases, often called orphan diseases, affect a small percentage of the population. Despite their rarity, these diseases collectively impact millions worldwide. Being a health care professional who cares deeply about overall patient care, the challenges in diagnosing and treating rare diseases resonate profoundly with me. Limited data availability, dispersed

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence
Sofia Real 0
A transformação MarTech: como a tecnologia irá melhorar o marketing em 2024

No ano passado, assistimos a uma revolução notável no desenvolvimento de modelos generativos de IA e na sua adoção generalizada por indivíduos e empresas. Dois exemplos claros foram o ChatGPT e o DALL-E da OpenAI que, em apenas alguns meses, conseguiram conquistar milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo, garantindo

Advanced Analytics | Predictions
Meg Schaeffer 0
Visualizing the future of public health through data modeling

The cold of winter and holiday gatherings push people indoors, causing a surge in influenza hospitalizations. Years of above-normal temperatures in southern states bring a species of mosquito that carries malaria to the US. Declining childhood immunization rates threaten to allow previously eradicated diseases like measles to become endemic again.

Artificial Intelligence | Innovation
Lexi Regalado 0
The future of patient care: How AI is changing medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way medical professionals deliver care and manage patient data. By harnessing the power of advanced algorithms and machine learning, AI applications contribute to more accurate diagnostics, personalized treatment plans and streamlined administrative processes. The integration of AI into health care is helping create a

Innovation | Predictions | SAS Events
Elaine Hamill 0
Collaborative strategies for building organizational resilience in 2024

The biggest challenges of our time won’t be solved in silos. To tackle complex problems, we’ll need ideas, perspectives, resilience and innovation rising from cross-sector collaboration and partnership. SAS recently hosted the 2023 Concordia United States Summit, a collaborative dialogue among public, private and nonprofit organizations designed to spur activities

Artificial Intelligence | Innovation | Predictions
Jennifer Robinson 0
3 tech trends governments must act on in 2024

The weight of the world has never been heavier – and it rests on the shoulders of government. Geopolitical hostilities, war, climate change, economic turmoil, large-scale migration and workforce shortages are worldwide issues. These challenges are compounded when governments have political divisions and stymied processes. Citizens want their government to

Data Management | Innovation | Predictions
Vrushali Sawant 0
3 industries set to benefit from ethical synthetic data generation in 2024

In 2024, we will witness the proliferation of synthetic data across industries. In 2023, companies experimented with foundational models, and this trend will continue. Organizations see it as an emerging force to reshape industries and change lives. However, the ethical implications can't be overlooked. Let’s explore some industries I think

Jeff Alford 0
How accurate were our 2023 predictions in health care, technology and more?

As 2023 ends, it's important to reflect on the predictions that SAS leaders made at the beginning of the year. Let’s look at some of these predictions and see how accurate they were. We'll explore forecasts related to health care, human resources, AI, data, renewable energy and more. Let's dive

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Innovation
Jason DiNovi 0
3 ways generative AI can level the field with health care fraudsters

Over the last year, generative AI has captivated the public imagination. Many of us have become newly acquainted with the concept of an approaching Singularity coined by John von Neumann or Nick Bostrom’s Paper Clip thought experiment. Fortunately, Microsoft’s office assistant, Clippy, has yet to dutifully transform our planet into

Analytics | Learn SAS
Catherine (Cat) Truxillo 0
5 claves para crear equipos de analítica más sólidos

Debido a la complejidad y cambios en el mercado, las organizaciones de todo el mundo están aprovechando las oportunidades para hacer mejores predicciones, identificar soluciones y dar pasos estratégicos y proactivos, lo que significa que dependen cada vez más de los big data. Sin embargo, en su búsqueda de resistencia

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Reyes Cerezo 0
Así están transformando SAS Viya y Microsoft Azure el sector sanitario

La inteligencia artificial y la analítica de datos han tenido un impacto trascendental en el sector de la salud. Gracias a sus numerosos usos en esta industria, los beneficios ya se han extendido desde el área asistencial hasta el campo de la investigación.   Recientemente, tuvimos el privilegio de ser anfitriones

Soundarya Palanisamy 0
3 ways ESG will impact the health care and life sciences industry

Health care and life science organizations have always prioritized saving lives and now extend that commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. They are not merely checking boxes, but genuinely pursuing long term impact for individuals, future generations and the planet. However, they must now elevate their ESG efforts to

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