Tag: innovation

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Steve Bakalar 0
Thriving in the AI age means crushing the ‘one-and-done’ fallacy

It seems like every day, there’s a new study or report about how AI, GenAI and machine learning will transform industries. For Georgia-Pacific, this isn’t forward-looking speculation. It’s our reality. When we look at the innovation investments Georgia-Pacific has in play, we’re predicting a nine-figure return. We see $100 million

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Brett Wujek 0
Working with synthetic data? Ask these 6 questions first

Synthetic data has emerged as a powerful tool for overcoming the limitations of real-world data. The future holds great promise for accelerated innovation. With synthetic data, companies can now generate financial transactions, medical records or customer behavior patterns that maintain statistical relevance like real data. This emerging technology can help

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Gavin Day 0
How generative AI can futureproof your workforce and build resilience

Major global elections, volatile financial markets, extreme weather events, and sophisticated and costly cyberattacks are increasing operational risks across every industry. Generative AI (GenAI) is redefining how industries navigate this uncertainty and transforming potential risks into powerful opportunities. Organizations across industries are increasingly invested in GenAI – for instance, last

Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Predictions
Julie Muckleroy 0
The data debacle: Boom or bust for banks?

At the very heart of the financial world lies a commodity so vast it’s almost immeasurable ... and it’s growing exponentially with potential yet unrealized. Big data – complex structured and unstructured datasets arriving from innumerable sources – is reshaping the global banking industry. Used effectively, big data can support the delivery

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Javier López Gómez 0
La importancia de tener buenos datos de entrada en los modelos analíticos

En la actualidad, los modelos analíticos son herramientas esenciales para tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Desde prever tendencias hasta optimizar operaciones, los modelos analíticos dependen en gran medida de la calidad de los datos de entrada. La precisión, integridad y relevancia de estos datos son cruciales para obtener resultados confiables

Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Chris McAuley 0
Hiding in plain sight: Supplier integrity reveals fraud

Headlines about government spending often highlight eye-catching, big-ticket items like transportation infrastructure projects or military equipment. However, smaller expenses also accumulate – significantly and often undetected. In fiscal year 2024, the US federal government spent $6.75 trillion on various goods, services and programs, and the UK central government spent £35.2

Hyeshin Hwang 0
클라우드에서 구동되는 AI와 분석의 여러 환경적 영향

수많은 산업에서 중추적인 역할을 맡게 된 클라우드 컴퓨팅은 조직이 분석과 머신 러닝 및 AI의 힘을 활용하여 인사이트를 얻고 혁신을 추구할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. *이 글은  Spiros Potamitis 가 작성한 내용을 SAS코리아에서 번역한 것입니다. 그러나 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 급속한 확대로 인해 클라우드의 탄소 발자국 역시 크게 증가했습니다. 알기 쉽게 비교하자면, 클라우드 컴퓨팅의

Artificial Intelligence | Predictions
Lucy Chan 0
From data to delivery: How GenAI will shape the future of public service

"Generative AI (GenAI) initiatives should support broader public goals and needs," says SAS' Ensley Tan. While governments recognize GenAI's potential to improve operational efficiency and citizen experience, there is more to it than setting up projects and expecting them to work. Tan, SAS Asia-Pacific Lead for Public Sector Consulting, said public

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
L'essor des données synthétiques et leur impact sur l'intelligence artificielle

Dans le paysage technologique actuel, les données synthétiques, nouveau sous ensemble de l’IA générative, apportent de nouvelles pistes de réflexion pour la création des modèles d'intelligence artificielle.   Contrairement aux données traditionnelles, pouvant être limitées par des contraintes de biais, de quantité, ou encore des contraintes de confidentialité et de conformité,

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