In 2012, Harvard Business Review declared the data scientist the sexiest job of the 21st century. Here’s what we knew at the time: big data was (and still is to this day) an enormous opportunity to make new discoveries. We were in the boom of user-generated content from social platforms,
Tag: data governance
At the very heart of the financial world lies a commodity so vast it’s almost immeasurable ... and it’s growing exponentially with potential yet unrealized. Big data – complex structured and unstructured datasets arriving from innumerable sources – is reshaping the global banking industry. Used effectively, big data can support the delivery
En la actualidad, los modelos analíticos son herramientas esenciales para tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Desde prever tendencias hasta optimizar operaciones, los modelos analíticos dependen en gran medida de la calidad de los datos de entrada. La precisión, integridad y relevancia de estos datos son cruciales para obtener resultados confiables
The search to maximize our own productivity is never-ending. We all want to be more efficient in our work and carve out more time with loved ones. As you assess data and AI technology to automate processes and maximize efficiency, you may wonder if it’s truly possible for you or
AI governance is an all-encompassing strategy that establishes oversight, ensures compliance and develops consistent operations and infrastructure within an organization. It also fosters a human-centric culture. This strategy includes specific governance domains such as data governance and model governance, necessary for a unified AI approach. Why AI governance matters The
Ter uma cultura orientada por dados é uma premissa básica da transformação digital e isso já ficou claro para executivos de todos os setores. Esta forma de operar é o que gera novas fontes de receita, entrega uma experiência superior ao cliente e posiciona uma organização à frente de seus
My recent work has focused heavily on migration, especially onto the SAS Viya platform and cloud more generally. Rather unexpectedly during this process, we have found that data observability is becoming increasingly important to customers. They start simply by looking at tracing files, but soon find that it has a
Building a data and analytics culture in higher education means equipping key stakeholders with the skills necessary to analyze and leverage insights extracted from data. Doing so can drive faster, more accurate decision-making. When I hear “data and analytics culture,” I immediately think of the work Jason Simon and his team
Higher education institutions are some of the most data-rich entities in the world. Postsecondary leaders need high-quality, consistent and accurate insights to make the best decisions for their institution, students and constituents. Data governance is a topic that may seem technical in nature and perhaps important to only the IT
Jim Harris takes a deep dive into data lakes and how they relate to the cloud.
Government procurement teams are responsible for managing billions of pounds of public expenditure, and taxpayers want more transparency on how their money is being spent. However, experts estimate that procurement errors, waste and abuse can cost central government up to 4.7% of procurement spend.[1] And when government procurement fraud scandals hit
Learn why a data catalog is so valuable in helping you find and use big data at your business.
New and more prescriptive privacy and other data-related regulations are elevating data governance to a strategic asset for organizations in all sectors. Data governance can no longer remain confined to a back-end IT operation. As the data-rich financial services sector is now moving fast towards more profound digitization of financial
Identification of Concepts and Topics based on out-of-the-box rules. It is common practice to develop a business or industry specific taxonomy.
El gobierno de los modelos analíticos es una función cada vez más estratégica para las empresas. Para analizar su importancia hemos llevado a cabo un evento digital junto al Club Chief Data Officer (CDO) Spain & Latam. Aprovechando la ocasión entrevistamos a Silvina Arce, Co-Founder del Club Chief Data Officer
Learn the nuts and bolts of how to measure data quality from expert Jim Harris.
Data management has never been the shiny object that caught the imagination of the mainstream. And let’s be honest, it's not nearly as interesting as analytics, machine learning or artificial intelligence. In fact, entire movies get created about analytics, and people actually pay to see them! Data management? Not so
A business glossary improves data quality – one of the top five ways it makes analytics better.
Could data governance policies for analytics be the foundation for a model governance program?
Jim Harris shares some simple tips about how to minimize data usage.
David Loshin suggests that reference data could be the foundation of future governance structures.
David Loshin reminds us that data protection compliance applies to different individuals in different contexts – and not just GDPR and CCPA.
What's the impact of using data governance and analytics for the business side of education? It's an interesting question, and during a video interview, Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D.,Former Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation (IEA) at the University of Idaho shared details on the results they're realizing from using SAS for
The broad CCPA definition of personal information could open a can of worms for compliance and governance.
Learn why Jason Simon from UNT calls data governance critical.
Learn about the role data classification plays when governing a diversity of data policies.
Expect to lose time if you don't include a data steward in your project until you're reviewing the data model.
David Loshin examines various aspects of data governance that are essential for regulatory compliance.
Encouraging data sharing can sometimes feel like refereeing kids on Christmas morning. “Mom said you have to SHARE!” my sister bawled, grabbing at the Game Boy in my hand as I held the toy just out of her reach. I had just gotten it as a Christmas present and had
Dass IFRS 9 spürbare Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf die Implementierung bringen würde, war von Anfang an klar. Neben den technischen Hürden haben sich Banken schon in einem sehr frühen Stadium den strengen Prüfungen durch Regulatoren, Investoren und Rating-Agenturen, Aufsichtsräten sowie externen und internen Prüfern stellen müssen. Doch verantwortungsbewusste und weitsichtige