Fitting a Neural Network Model - Learn how to fit a neural network model and use your model to score new data In Part 6, Part 7, Part 9, and Part 10 of this series, we fit a logistic regression, decision tree, random forest and gradient boosting model to the
Tag: SAS Viya
SAS' Danny Sprukulis takes you step-by-step through geocoding incomplete geographic data sources for proper visualization and through its additional capabilities.
En el mundo actual, donde los datos son el activo más valioso, la ciberseguridad se ha convertido en una prioridad absoluta para las organizaciones. Proteger información sensible mientras se permite un análisis avanzado y eficiente requiere plataformas que sean no solo potentes, sino también resilientes frente a las amenazas digitales.
SAS' Danny Sprukulis walks through how he developed a model theme park to simulate attraction wait times for operational decision-making.
SAS' Natalie Patten shows you the potential of integrating a country classification transformer into data cleansing workflows.
O SAS Viya Workbench é uma aplicação baseada na nuvem, projetada especialmente para desenvolvedores e cientistas de dados. Por ser acessível diretamente pelo navegador no desktop, elimina a necessidade de instalações complexas, permitindo que os usuários utilizem códigos SAS 9 e análises SAS Viya em um único ambiente integrado. Uma
Conheça alguns conceitos e estratégias para implantação de soluções que aproveitam das capacidades da nuvem e de containers com o SAS Container Runtime (SCR) O SAS, líder global de dados e IA, atua há quase 50 anos no desenvolvimento de soluções analíticas. Há alguns anos, integra suas soluções ao universo
SASクラウドエコノミクスおよびビジネスバリューチームのSpiros PotamitisとFrancesco Raininiがこの記事の執筆に協力しました。2023年11月16日に公開された英語の記事を翻訳しております。 クラウド コンピューティングは数え切れないほど多くの業界のバックボーンとなり、組織が分析、機械学習、AI の力を活用して洞察とイノベーションを実現できるよう支援しています。 クラウドコンピューティングの急速な拡大により、クラウドは大きな二酸化炭素排出量を生み出すようになりました。背景として、クラウドは世界の二酸化炭素排出量の最大 4%を占めると計算されており、これは航空業界が排出する量よりも多いと考えられています。 これに対して何ができるでしょうか? オンプレミスの展開についてはどうでしょうか? クラウドとオンプレミスの議論に関しては、大手市場調査会社である IDC は、コンピューティングリソースの集約効率が高いため、オンプレミスと比較してクラウドの方が環境に優しい選択肢であると主張しています。したがって、AI と分析のワークロードをクラウドに移行するのが環境にとって最善の方法であると言われています。 クラウドでの効率を向上できる組織が増えれば、累積的な影響を考慮すると、小さな改善でも大きな違いを生む可能性があります。 SAS® Viya®と環境 SAS Viya は、 5 年間で最大 50 トンの CO2eの炭素排出量を削減する可能性があります。成長した木がこの量のCO2eを吸収するには 4,513 年かかると言われています。 カーボンフットプリントを楽しく探る 様々な要点を総合的に考慮し、Viya の潜在的な環境的利点を計算するために、私たちはGreen Algorithm Calculator を使用しました。これは、計算ワークロードの二酸化炭素排出量を推定して報告するツールです。計算を完了するために、さまざまな Azure Cloud アーキテクチャにわたる 1,500 を超えるテストを含むFuturum ベンチマーク調査の数値を使用しました。この調査では、Viya がオープンソースや主要な代替手段と比較して平均で 30 倍高速であることが示されています。 私たちは、大規模な組織に典型的なインフラストラクチャと分析のワークロードを想定しました。同時に、Futurum の調査で使用された技術的設定を反映しているため、計算に自信を持ってメリットの数値を適用できます。 グリーンアルゴリズム 計算機を使用して計算するには、次の手順に従います。 実行時間から始めます。50 人のデータ
The search to maximize our own productivity is never-ending. We all want to be more efficient in our work and carve out more time with loved ones. As you assess data and AI technology to automate processes and maximize efficiency, you may wonder if it’s truly possible for you or
In SAS Viya, users can customize a project management environment by using a file that contains metadata about the organization’s project progress. This process allows the management team to track and interact with the project’s ongoing steps.
수많은 산업에서 중추적인 역할을 맡게 된 클라우드 컴퓨팅은 조직이 분석과 머신 러닝 및 AI의 힘을 활용하여 인사이트를 얻고 혁신을 추구할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. *이 글은 Spiros Potamitis 가 작성한 내용을 SAS코리아에서 번역한 것입니다. 그러나 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 급속한 확대로 인해 클라우드의 탄소 발자국 역시 크게 증가했습니다. 알기 쉽게 비교하자면, 클라우드 컴퓨팅의
SAS' Jennifer Hargrove introduces the SAS Medication Adherence Risk model, a way to identify patients at high risk of being non-adherent to their medication therapy so that interventions can be provided to help patients remain adherent.
In the SAS 9.4 world, SAS Stored Processes (STP) were incredibly popular. An STP is a SAS program that is stored on a server and can be executed as required by requesting applications. On SAS 9.4, they were widely used for web reporting, analytics, building web applications, delivering packages to customers and publishing results to channels or repositories.
En la era de la transformación digital, la velocidad, la escalabilidad y la rentabilidad no son solo indicadores de desempeño; son factores decisivos que permiten a las empresas mantenerse competitivas. Hoy, en SAS, nos enorgullecemos de ver cómo nuestra plataforma de IA y analítica, SAS Viya, no solo cumple con
Imaginez que vous pouvez créer des données aussi facilement que vous imprimez des documents. Pas besoin d'attendre, pas besoin de s'inquiéter de la conformité ou de la confidentialité. Juste une base solide de données fiables et exploitables. Dans un monde où la data est le cœur de la transformation numérique,
Everyone has heard it: Your organization needs to be more productive. But how? Businesses are constantly challenged with adopting AI technology, managing rising costs and closing talent gaps. While AI can boost performance, the need for faster, more performant models is often stymied by inefficient handoffs between key roles within
AI is no longer a futuristic concept – it’s a mainstay in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. In the business world, AI is revolutionizing workflows, driving efficiency and speeding up processes. However, as organizations rush to benefit from this modern technology, they must prioritize the ethical and transparent
A pandemia trouxe grandes desafios crónicos e específicos à atividade das autoridades tributárias – como os atrasos ou mesmo suspensão do pagamento de impostos, a necessidade da digitalização de processos, o repensar formas de tributar novas atividades resultantes de empresas que começaram então a operar digitalmente, etc. – que exigiram
Learn how SAS and cloud computing can help insurers realize operational and business benefits.
Fitting a Gradient Boosting Model - Learn how to fit a gradient boosting model and use your model to score new data In Part 6, Part 7, and Part 9 of this series, we fit a logistic regression, decision tree and random forest model to the Home Equity data we
When it comes to presenting at events like SAS Innovate on Tour, it’s never just a one-way street. No matter how many countries I visit, how many times I click through my slides, or how often I speak to a room full of people who love technology, I always learn
In a world rich in data, data enthusiasts and problem solvers can have greater success and innovate faster with flexibility in choice. To code or not to code. The answer aligns with the problem and the data talent working to solve it. What does innovation look like inside your organization?
As part of this year's IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge, a group of SAS data scientists puit SAS Viya and related machine learning tools to the ultimate test - to identify individuals in a complex fishing network. Excitedly, the team received the Honorable Mention Award for Breadth of Investigation!
What sets the SAS Model Card apart from previous model cards is the use of descriptive visuals, to make model cards accessible to all personas involved in the analytics process, including data scientists, data engineers, MLOPs engineers, managers, executives, risk managers, business analytics, end-users, and any other stakeholder with access to the SAS Viya environment.
Learn how an intern integrated SAS Viya® and open-source code (Python) into a Machine Learning project to combine their strengths within the context of predictive modeling, and to show off the variety of ways this integration can be accomplished.
The new SAS developer portal has a permanent home Say sayonara to the old SAS developer portal. We recently shut it down. The new portal is live and has a new home. The old and new sites were living side by side while we finished up some development work. Now
A recent article came out with an updated list of necessary components for MLOps and LLMOps. And while this list may seem long, reading through the capabilities and components, I realized that SAS Viya already covers most of the required functionality. Organizations can have a hodgepodge of tools that they
SAS Visual Text Analytics can easily analyze similar words and phrases coming from various cultural heritage-related documents to construct a heritage wordbook that cultural workers can use to identify what relevant conservation technique to use on a structure/artifact.
SAS' Greg Massey describes a real-world example of digital transformation for a large customer grappling with manually reviewing patient medical records.
Good educators are more than a source of knowledge; they inspire, innovate and continuously adapt to provide their students with the best learning experiences. They embrace new technologies, foster critical thinking and prepare students for future challenges. Recognizing their importance, SAS recently honored educators at SAS Innovate 2024. This year’s