En los últimos años, la ciencia de datos ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial y se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para las estrategias de las organizaciones en todas las industrias. Sin embargo, para los data scientist experimentados, el panorama del dato se encuentra en un proceso de cambio constante.
Tag: data scientist
La información certera es la base sobre la que se edifican las empresas, especialmente en un contexto en el que la preparación y la resiliencia son cada vez más importantes. Con el aumento en la cantidad de datos disponibles y la necesidad de aprovecharlos para tener mejores resultados, también hemos
No creo que ninguno de los lectores de este post llegue a sorprenderse si les contamos que en SAS estamos al 100% comprometidos con el mundo académico. No obstante, hace casi medio siglo que nuestra compañía nació precisamente en las aulas de una universidad, la de Carolina del Norte. Desde
Finir ses études, c’est aussi la promesse exhilarante d’avoir toute sa vie devant soi et de ne pas savoir ce que la carrière a en réserve pour nous. On prend une seule décision et juste comme ça, on gère l’analytique de l’une des meilleures équipes du rugby au monde. Voilà
Vous vous rappelez ce premier jour du reste de votre vie professionnelle ? Vous avez fini les cours, les examens, ces années d’organisation libre. Tout d’un coup, vous devez intégrer une entreprise. Comprendre le fonctionnement du monde corporate, avec toutes ses particularités. Cela peut être source d’angoisse – et c’est la
Using such features and Natural Language Processing capabilities like text parsing and information extraction in SAS Visual Text Analytics (VTA) helps us uncover emerging trends and unlock the value of unstructured text data.
To find exact duplicates, matching all string pairs is the simplest approach, but it is not a very efficient or sufficient technique. Using the MD5 or SHA-1 hash algorithms can get us a correct outcome with a faster speed, yet near-duplicates would still not be on the radar. Text similarity is useful for finding files that look alike. There are various approaches to this and each of them has its own way to define documents that are considered duplicates. Furthermore, the definition of duplicate documents has implications for the type of processing and the results produced. Below are some of the options. Using SAS Visual Text Analytics, you can customize and accomplish this task during your corpus analysis journey either with Python SWAT package or with PROC SQL in SAS.
Many parents when naming their children, want to choose a name that they like, but that isn’t so popular that everywhere they go they hear it being called. But even for the most popular girls’ and boys’ names, how likely is it that there will be children with the same
Científico de datos lleva años en la lista de carreras más populares pero, ¿cómo se llega a ser científica de datos? Bueno, mi viaje para convertirme en científica de datos no fue un viaje intencional, pues no empecé con un plan para terminar en una carrera de ciencia de datos.
Robert Blanchard's role as a data scientist at SAS has afforded him the flexibility to live where he wants, in his case, on a beach in San Diego.
The Proc Python procedure, Python code editor & Python code step facilitate low-code analytics calling Python and SAS from a common interface. Data scientists also appreciate the connection to Python & R through the Model Studio Open-source Code node. Older methods of interaction include the swat and sas_kernel packages running on Python clients.
SAS' Ricky Tharrington and Jagruti Kanjia explain two ways bias shows up in model predictions.
Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) is the largest and highest-ranked university in Romania. Its Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FSEGA) is the largest faculty at any university in Romania. It is also the highest-ranked institution in the country for management and business and top-ranked for economics. The faculty was founded as
With modern advancements in artificial intelligence, we can teach computers to achieve super-human performance in retro videogames.
Tout le monde est passé par là. Ce moment crucial où il faut se poser la question « Qu’est-ce que je veux bien faire de ma vie ? ». Cette question peut faire peur et être difficile à résoudre. Pourtant, quelques chanceux trouvent rapidement leur voie. Non seulement une voie
Tanto la ciencia como la igualdad de género juegan un papel clave para conseguir los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) fijados para 2030. Por eso, en 2016 la Asamblea General de la ONU declaró el 11 de febrero como Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia.
Corpus analysis is a technique widely used by data scientists because it provides an understanding of a document collection and provides insights into the text.
Uma das profissões mais cobiçadas e bem remuneradas atualmente é a de Cientista de Dados. Grandes empresas de telecomunicações, instituições financeiras e redes de varejo estão formando times com estes profissionais, e o movimento não é restrito às grandes corporações. Empresas médias também estão sedentas em busca de cientista de
Mejorar la vida de las personas gracias a los datos es uno de nuestros propósitos en SAS. Por eso, una de las categorías de los premios Curiosity Data Science Iberian Awards, que hemos organizado este año por primera vez junto a SPAIN AI y la Asociación Portuguesa de Ciencia de
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are one of the newer machine learning algorithms that data scientists are tapping into. When I first heard it, I wondered how can networks be adversarial? I envisioned networks with swords drawn going at it. Close… but I can assure you that no networks were harmed in the making of this article.
Carlos Moreno Morera es el ganador Gold de la categoría Data4Innovation de los premios Curiosity Data Science Iberian Awards, que hemos organizado este año por primera vez desde SAS, junto a SPAIN AI y la Asociación Portuguesa de Ciencia de Datos (DSPA). Originario de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Carlos es
La curiosidad juega un papel primordial en la ciencia de datos, así como en la cultura de SAS. Y para reconocer su valor, este año hemos organizado por primera vez los premios Curiosity Data Science Iberian Awards, en colaboración con SPAIN AI y la Asociación Portuguesa de Ciencia de Datos
En los últimos años hemos asistido a un importante avance en la presencia de mujeres en distintos campos de las disciplinas STEM, como la ciencia de datos. Sin embargo, queda un largo camino por recorrer para lograr que las niñas y jóvenes tomen en consideración de forma mayoritaria ámbitos como
Decision trees are one of the top machine learning algorithms used by data scientists. Decision trees use supervised learning to classify problems. Even if you are not a data scientist, chances are you can interpret the visual output from a decision tree.
Early in her career, a mentor gave Dawnté Early some career advice that would ultimately change her life. “If you can learn how to analyze and dig into your own data, instead of paying others to do it for you, you’ll be able to do your own research and write
A Deep-Q Network (DQN) is a reinforcement learning technique that attempts to model the actions that perform best in each state in real-time.
Learn why a data catalog is so valuable in helping you find and use big data at your business.
The recently released 2021 Gartner MQ for Data Science and Machine Learning contains a wealth of information and here are my takes on key market trends from that report for data scientists. This evaluation features SAS Viya with its SAS Data Science offerings.
Data scientist has been on the career hot list for years, but how does one become a data scientist? Well, my journey to becoming a data scientist was not an intentional journey - I didn't start with a plan to end up in a data science career. In fact, I
In this article, we summarize our SAS research paper on the application of reinforcement learning to monitor traffic control signals which was recently accepted to the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada. This annual conference is hosted by the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, a non-profit corporation that promotes the exchange of ideas in neural information processing systems across multiple disciplines.