Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsLa información que los organismos policiales almacenan sobre detenciones o incidentes delictivos, así como los avisos a los departamentos de policía, tienen un valor enorme para resolver futuros casos que se pueden plantear. Analizar manualmente esta gran cantidad de datos en busca de patrones puede llevar mucho tiempo y sus
One of the great things about visiting SAS offices worldwide is the excellent opportunity to meet amazing colleagues, witness their work and learn from them. One of the great perks is getting reading recommendations as if you have a team of expert curators. With the vast amount of data available
Platforma SAS® Viya® oferuje wiele algorytmów klasy uczenia maszynowego (machine learning, ML) czy sztucznej inteligencji (artificial intelligence, AI) do trenowania modeli predykcyjnych (klasyfikacyjnych itp.), takich jak lasy losowe (random forest) czy wzmocnienia gradientowe (gradient boosting), jak również modele uczenia głębokiego (deep learning). Choć wielokrotnie potwierdziły one swoją przydatność w praktyce,
Soaring costs are hitting the public sector hard, squeezing budgets and making it difficult to deliver vital services at a time when many are in high demand. Government departments were told they need to ‘identify savings to manage pressures from higher inflation’ in last year’s Autumn Statement – but how
The SAS Resiliency Rules report explores the global resiliency landscape. This report highlights country-specific findings about the ongoing market challenges, the difference between an importance in attaining resiliency versus perceived resiliency, and the principles companies need to follow to drive business resiliency. Our research defines resiliency as the ability of
As in most other sectors, health care is changing at lightning speed. Access to data makes it possible to speed up clinical trials, develop more personalized medication, make quicker and better diagnoses, improve the quality of patient care and save lives. The pandemic has sped up digital transformation in every