Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business Analytics
Künstliche Intelligenz: Je kleiner, je besser AI#36
Interview mit Dr. Edgar Klenske, Gründer des Start-ups GaussML.
First steps for collections optimization
COVID-19 is triggering a debt collection crisis for UK banks. How can collections teams control an explosion in delinquent accounts?
SAS als Konkurrenz für Strategieberatungen?
SAS steht für mehr als nur Installation und Customizing. Ich diskutiere mit Thorsten Hagenberger unsere IMPACT-Sicht auf 2021.
Political roleplay: Minister Theresia Bauer on AI#14
Interview with Science Minister Theresia Bauer, Baden-Württemberg.
Will the pandemic change our attitudes towards sharing personal data for AI purposes?
If the digital trust felt by citizens has contributed to the success of many test and trace programmes, the upcoming AI legislation will likely help entrench this trend in the realm of AI.
The strange bedfellows of AI and ethics
Organisations also need to ensure diversity when developing assets—those diverse teams that I mentioned before.