Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsMaailma tuntuu yllättyneen jo tänäkin vuonna monta kertaa, ja nenäni haistaa hämmästyksille jatkoa. Moni tuntuu ihmettelevän, miten Big Data tai analytiikka ei paljastanut uusimpia käänteitä. Me maailman suurimmassa analytiikkatalossa annamme heille anteeksi, koska he eivät tiedä, mistä puhuvat. Joidenkin jo vanhentuneidenkin arvioiden mukaan ihmiskunta tuottaa kahdessa päivässä yhtä paljon dataa
Machine learning is quietly spreading into every aspect of our lives. Perhaps it is not quite yet completely common, but it is definitely becoming more noticeable. From recommendations by online retailers to better, less congested routes to familiar destinations, it is starting to make our lives easier. At the same
For many of us, our main contact with anti-money laundering (AML) activities is the need to prove our identity before we can open a new bank account, or buy a house. It may be annoying, but it’s just one of those things that has to be done. But for governments,
by Erich Hugo, Business Development Director, BAS ITG It is becoming something of a truism that digital product design is disrupting traditional industries. I think it is interesting, though, to focus on how this is happening, and especially in retail, where consumer experience is a vital element. Four emerging retail
Keep an eye on my behaviour. It will pay off. As a consumer, I am aware of my own value to companies and shops that want me to buy their products and services. Actually, I have probably always been aware of it, but now it seems much easier to get
At a time when ‘fake news’ has acquired its own presence on Wikipedia, it is worth reflecting a little on something more fundamental - the difference between facts and opinions. One of the most critical points to keep in mind when reviewing a plan, or a performance report, is to