SAS Voices
News and views from the people who make SAS a great place to workOriginal thinker, effective teacher, advocate for underdogs: These are just a few of the ways SAS Innovate featured speaker Adam Grant has been described. Add to that corporate culture expert and #1 New York Times bestselling author – most recently for Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things. SAS
Have you ever heard the saying, “Products that don’t perform won’t be trusted, and products that can’t be trusted aren’t worth the machines they’re coded on”? Maybe not, because I just made it up. But at SAS, as we continue to create products that perform and change the world, we
As SAS Chief Technology Officer, Bryan Harris has plenty of day-to-day issues that create a hotbed of worries: keeping pace with innovation, finding and retaining top talent, technical debt, delivering on time and making sure SAS technology is ready to meet the needs of an ever-changing business landscape. So, the
SAS® pairs perfectly with data and AI and many at SAS Innovate agree. SAS Innovate host and technical training consultant Dominique Weatherspoon welcomed attendees at the Aria in Las Vegas. SAS Chief Technology Officer Bryan Harris dove into a few important topics including innovation inspired by human need, how SAS
Over the past year, business leaders and technical minds have delved into the potential of generative AI (GenAI) beyond creative tasks like writing fun poems or generating silly images. We’ve been part of these conversations, actively exploring how GenAI can be used to help organizations manage their data, derive insights
In a world where MarTech complexity is skyrocketing, utilization has declined sharply and the integration of data and technology are a marketer’s biggest tech challenges, CMOs are under pressure to prove marketing ROI. However, the combination of SAS and the Snowflake Data Cloud presents a value proposition that is hard