Uno de los escenarios típicos que he encontrado en el sector industrial para la adopción de la analítica es que las empresas establecen una unidad de negocio dedicada exclusivamente a la transformación digital. Con frecuencia, este es el primer paso para abordar no solamente la analítica, sino todas las tecnologías
Tag: manufacturing
En el escenario que se presenta para este 2023, los temas de productividad y optimización para operar en un contexto volátil e incierto seguirán siendo una prioridad para los ejecutivos de todos los sectores de la industria, y la fabricación no es la excepción. Los datos son un aliado importante
Conceptos como industria 4.0, Machine Learning, Deep Learning o transformación digital hace unos años generaban expectativas de lo más ambiciosas y eran motivo de inversión en las plantas industriales. Sin embargo, en muchos de los casos, el resultado de todo ello han sido multitud de proyectos piloto sin éxito y
Industries including sports and entertainment, travel, manufacturing, education and government benefit from analytical insights In the United States and other parts of the world, there are signs. Record automobile traffic. Surging demand for workers. And a continued push to vaccinate. The pandemic and its effects are still very much with
Digitally mature manufacturers outperform their non-digital peers — they generate more revenue and profit, and will out-compete non-digital companies. This is a bold statement, but it was a clear outcome of recent IDC Worldwide Manufacturing Insights research, which compared the profitability and revenue of digitally mature manufacturers to their non-digital
SAS users help drive innovation, providing feedback on SAS products through various mediums, including customer advisory boards, communities, SASware Ballot® ideas, and SAS Global Forum. The SAS User Feedback Award is presented annually to a user whose recommendations and insights lead to significant improvements to SAS software. This year SAS
As an American child growing up on a military base in Germany, I learned many important life lessons. One of the most important was about language and communication. I realized at age 12 that, even though I could speak German, I thought in English -- and it led me to
Das Thema Internet of Things (IoT) ist im Produktionsbereich heute nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ob es nun um die Produktion selbst und eine smarte Produktionsumgebung geht oder um die Gestaltung der Produkte, die „smart“ werden sollen – nahezu in jedem Bereich gibt es immer mehr Vernetzungen, Sensoren werden eingebettet, und mehr
Um sich bei IoT-Projekten einen gewissen Erfolg zu sichern, gewinnt die Zusammenarbeit von Unternehmen aus vielfältigen Bereichen immer mehr an Bedeutung. So müssen beispielsweise für die Implementierung einer smarten Produktionsumgebung Hardware-, Software- sowie Infrastrukturhersteller gemeinsam Know-how aufbauen und weiterentwickeln. Das E4TC am Campus der RWTH Aachen beschäftigt sich mit dieser
Heute ist alles Daten. Ein Data-Hype jagt den nächsten. Die Empfehlung für weitere Produkte bei einer Online-Bestellung, die Auswertung von Wearables zur Fitnessoptimierung, das Anzeigen der besten Fahrroute – all das basiert auf zuvor gesammelten Informationen und Systemen, die dem Anwender Handlungsoptionen aufzeigen. Schon damals schien es ganz normal, dem
What if you could automatically detect supply chain anomalies as they happen, or even predict them in advance? You'd be able to take timely corrective action and help maximize revenue, margins, customer satisfaction and shareholder value. There's no question: Supply chain planning and execution is complex. From design and sourcing, to
With all the technology advancements and innovative trends driving Industry 4.0 right now, you might expect geeky topics like the Internet of Things (IoT) or artificial intelligence (AI) to be the hottest topics of discussion among industry leaders. Instead, many leaders are still more focused on workplace culture. And here’s
Connect with SAS before and during IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology, a three-day event focusing on the key elements of advanced manufacturing: lean and continuous improvement, leadership, technology integration, talent management and best practices to achieve operational excellence. We look forward to seeing you at Industry Week's Manufacturing & Technology Conference
Let’s lay down some fundamentals. In business you want to achieve the highest revenues with the best margins and the lowest costs. More specifically, in manufacturing, you want your products to be the highest quality (relative to specification) when you make the item. And you want it shipped to the
‘Quality‘ means many things to many people. It’s subjective and depends on the industry and product being made, but the fundamental objective is to provide the best product to the right standard associated to fit, form and function. And cost and required profit margin must also be taken into account.
Robots - everyone has probably been fascinated by the idea of robots at one time or another. From the early science fiction robots (such as Klaatu's robot Gort) to the mid-1980s movie robots (like Johnny 5), they have been portrayed in many different ways in fiction. These days, with the
“I do not like this modern technology,” said my father-in-law. “It is making people too lazy. Things are too easy now.” He was referring to my grocery order. I was sitting in his kitchen in Reykjavik, Iceland, the day before my return to the United States. I had just explained
In an IoT world, everything is connected. But what does it mean to be connected? Does it mean being plugged in to your phone, car, home, TV, favorite apps and retailers? Does it mean knowing what’s happening all around you? And having the “things” you’re connected to acting as recommender
Recently I backed into a hotel parking spot after returning from a customer dinner. It was dark and rainy, and I was tired from traveling. My mind wandered until I heard a shrill “BEEP BEEP BEEP” coming from my rental car. I looked down at the dashboard’s rear-view camera, and
Building cars is towards the top of the manufacturing hierarchy - some countries are even known for the cars they build. If you want a good quality car, you probably think of Japan. If you want a stylish sports car, you probably think of Italy. If you want a diesel
The widespread adoption of the term "analytics" reminds me of the evolution of the term "supply chain management." Initially the term focused on supply chain planning. It involved demand and supply balancing and the heuristics and optimization tools that came out of advanced planning and scheduling. Over time practically everything was included
Omnichannel Analytics are helping companies uncover patterns in big data to improve the customer experience. Using those insights, companies can anticipate what consumers are planning to purchase and influence that purchase in real time. Companies are experiencing unprecedented complexity as they look for growth and market opportunities. Their product portfolios are
Manufacturers are used to operating in challenging circumstances – whether financial, economic, political or competitive. And it's a good thing since the coming years seem likely to be as uncertain as those following the global economic crash. But manufacturing will have an excellent opportunity to thrive because, like many sectors,
I've been reflecting on my life and career recently and was amazed to discover that I just hit 30 years of working with industrial and manufacturing applications. While it’s a bit tough to admit my age, I’m quite happy with my career and have enjoyed manufacturing and industrial applications. I
Machine learning is taking a significant role in many big data initiatives today. Large retailers and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies are using machine learning combined with predictive analytics to help them enhance consumer engagement and create more accurate demand forecasts as they expand into new sales channels like the
What if you could predict with near-perfect accuracy what you’re going to sell and when your customer is going to buy? Right supply, right time is the goal German manufacturers have set themselves, without reducing the configuration options customers expect. Having almost completed stage 1 of their plan – changing
Since the idea of an “IoT analytical lifecycle,” may be understood in many different ways, let’s start with a definition. Performing analytics at the data center and the cloud is well established practice, and is still quite relevant. With growing numbers of connected devices and availability of computing capabilities at
Data monetization, at its simplest, is the process of turning data into bottom-line value for a company -- often through improving efficiency and/or customer experience, and building customer loyalty as a result. This may sound simple, but in practice, it’s anything but. Good data, advanced analytics and real-time decision making
Some weeks have passed since the United Kingdom voted, by a margin of 52 per cent for and 48 per cent against, to leave the European Union, the organization it's been a leading member of since 1973. The tumultuous global reaction to the vote has those of us in information
It’s clear from the minute you step into Accenture’s Digital Innovation Center (Future Camp) in Kronberg, Germany, that you're stepping into the future of innovation. The writing is literally on the walls, and everything you need to inspire big ideas – from brightly colored furniture to racks and racks of gadgets