Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsDie Lage am Arbeitsmarkt entspannt sich wegen der Corona-Ausnahmesituation: Wo steht der Handel gerade, Herr Spaan?
Analytics does not remove the need for reliable procedures, or well-trained staff—but it improves the monitoring of both.
SAS is underpinning this powerful combination of SAS and IBM infrastructure to optimize the analytics life cycle.
To respond to these demands the Police service will need to adapt and use every potential technology to support their officers in this unprecedented time.
As many individuals and organisations are finding out, today’s supply chains are incredibly long and complex. Goods can cross many borders, often several times, to complete a final product. Most of the time, as consumers, we don’t know or care about such issues. However, the coronavirus crisis and concerns around
La crisis sanitaria y social provocada a nivel global por la pandemia del COVID-19 ya ha mostrado cómo algunos gobiernos están apostando por tecnologías punteras, como la inteligencia artificial, analytics, big data o machine learning para una toma de decisiones basada en datos. Muchos países abordan la desescalada de la