
Afshin Almassi
Director, Public Sector Sales

Afshin Almassi is a business strategy and analytics expert with over 20 years of experience helping government and healthcare clients transform public service with technology. Leading the Public Sector and Healthcare Industry team in SAS Spain since 2012, Afshin has held various consulting and technology management positions working Internationally at Arthur D. Little, Digital (DEC), Compaq and HP. He has an Economics and Government degree (BA) from the University of Manchester (UK) and an MBA from Bauer School of Business, University of Houston.

Advanced Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Afshin Almassi 0
Analítica de datos en la desescalada de la pandemia

La crisis sanitaria y social provocada a nivel global por la pandemia del COVID-19 ya ha mostrado cómo algunos gobiernos están apostando por tecnologías punteras, como la inteligencia artificial, analytics, big data o machine learning para una toma de decisiones basada en datos. Muchos países abordan la desescalada de la