Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsThe coronavirus pandemic has changed many things in many industries – and not always in the most obvious way. Insurance companies have seen both fewer claims and fewer sales. As a result, many have realised that the process of digitisation, often started slowly before lockdown, must now be accelerated. More,
In my last blog post, I talked about the importance of establishing the right team for data science projects. Here, I’m going to talk about some of the barriers that can prevent successful adoption of data science. You can read my whole "data science in the wild" blog series here.
Detecting malpractice and crime – whether it is fraud, people smuggling, avoiding customs or organised crime – is a complex process. Detection is all very well and a necessary step. But what are the outcomes that your organisation needs? And what workflows and triggers do you need in place to
Interview mit Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Leiter der Stabsstelle für KI: Marco-Alexander Breit.
L'Intelligence Artificielle dans nos sociétés impacte nos modes de vie et habitudes (assistants de navigation d’aide à la conduite, alertes d’activités douteuses sur nos comptes bancaires, …). Dans le monde de l'entreprise, elle favorise l’émergence de nouveaux marchés et améliore l’efficacité commerciale.Les cas d'utilisation de l'IA se développent. Récemment dans
Der Einsatz einer zentralen, skalierbaren Plattform, die offen, flexibel und jederzeit anpassbar ist, kann Kassen der Steuerbehörden unterstützen.