Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business Analytics“Cybersecurity is the greatest threat the world has faced since the atom bomb” uttalte Apple gründer Steve Wozniak i intervju på australsk TV for litt siden. Bak denne overraskende uttalelsen ligger erkjennelsen om at det, slik som for atombomben, ikke finnes sikre gjemmesteder eller trygge havner for cyberkriminalitet. Gjennom nyhetskanalene
By guest-author Dan Jacobsson, Business Developer at Knowit Decision Stockholm Whatever role you have working with SAS products and solutions, SAS® Global Forum is the highlight of the year. This year´s event was my second one and I looked forward to experience it again, this time in Las Vegas, a
As with all early-stage markets, customers interested in monetising IoT are hungry for examples of compelling use cases. Over the past six weeks, my colleagues and I have been exchanging views with IoT deployment leads across EMEA, and from the healthcare respondents, found the following real-life examples. These are hospital-centric examples,
There has been plenty of discussion about how the Internet of Things (IoT) will change healthcare. Most of it, though, has either been in the realms of fantasy, or based on wearables and their potential to improve health, rather than healthcare. The conversation has not really been helpful in terms of
I read somewhere that you should not be afraid to take a leap when necessary – because you cannot cross a gulch in two small steps. A former British Prime minister named David Lloyd George said this and I believe the same about how organizations often think of change. What
Big Data är ofta ett missledande ord för att beskriva det skifte som pågår inom teknologi, affär och kultur. För tillfället har big data blivit ett vedertaget ord för allt inom dataanalys och om du inte förstår begreppet så är du inte ensam. Här är några vanliga missuppfattningar om vad