Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business Analytics"Now what? Responsible artificial intelligence (AI)? You're probably going to tell me that this is going to interfere with how I go about AI." Yes, I am. There's a whole list of nations coming up with strategies on AI. Check out this world map where each colored country is having a
Rajeeve Narula Cloud adoption is perhaps one of the most common themes I hear in my customer interactions these days. There is a clear mandate within the UK government’s Cloud First policy for UK government and the wider public sector organisations to fully evaluate potential for the public cloud rather
Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware
Munich Re (Dr. Nivien Shafik), pronovaBKK (Stefan Lodyga) und AOK Rheinland-Hamburg (Verena Kartz) geben Impulse.
Carlos Moreno Morera es el ganador Gold de la categoría Data4Innovation de los premios Curiosity Data Science Iberian Awards, que hemos organizado este año por primera vez desde SAS, junto a SPAIN AI y la Asociación Portuguesa de Ciencia de Datos (DSPA). Originario de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Carlos es
O combate à fraude é um benefício para o mundo! Quem o afirma é Carla Costa Paes, Inspetora na Inspeção-Geral da Administração Interna, que nos falou sobre a importância do combate à fraude, os motivos que levam à existência de falhas e do papel da tecnologia neste complexo processo. Segundo