SAS Voices

News and views from the people who make SAS a great place to work
Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Becky Graebe 0
Why you don't need a magic bullet

Yesterday at the SAS Global Forum Executive Conference, SAS Senior Director of Product Marketing Nelle Schantz moderated a panel discussion featuring Thomas Davenport, best-selling author and Director of the International Institute for Analytics; Charlene Li, founder of Altimeter Group and co-author of Groundswell; and Rom Hendler, Senior Vice President and

Anna Brown 1
Data. What is it good for?

What is data good for? Absolutely nothing without the right people and the right tools, says Angela Watson, Vice President of Analytics at, an online retailer that offers brand-name merchandise at discounted prices. It’s common for organizations to have “analysis paralysis” where not all departments use data, analytics to

Becky Graebe 0
They came, they saw, they conquered

It was not your average stage entrance. With a full Roman entourage and a majestic portable throne, SAS Global Forum 2011 Chair Debbie Buck, smiled broadly as she made her way to the stage in front of 2,500-member crowd at Opening Session. Her message for conference attendees: “In the words

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