Tag: risk

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stu Bradley 0
Onboarding resilience in a fraudulent world: The power of decisioning

In financial services, the onboarding journey takes on heightened significance. It’s not just about welcoming new customers—it’s about safeguarding their information, validating identity, mitigating risk, ensuring regulatory compliance, and making a great first impression. To achieve these goals, modernizing the decisioning process is crucial. In fact, decisioning lies at the

Analytics | Risk Management
Luis Barrientos 0
Escasez de agua en México un desafío empresarial y financiero para los próximos 6 años: SAS

Ignorar los criterios ESG podría suponer un riesgo a largo plazo para el financiamiento de las empresas. Las decisiones medioambientales inadecuadas tomadas durante las últimas décadas han acelerado el cambio climático, lo cual ha traído consigo diversos problemas para la sociedad, entre ellas la crisis hídrica que se vive en

Predictions | Risk Management
Julie Muckleroy 0
Risky business: Highlighting an intense focus on risk management

2023 delivered a raft of notable bank failures, the largest since the 2008 financial crisis. Silicon Valley Bank and others succumbed to collapse, triggering widespread reverberations and heightened market uncertainty. We also saw a tsunami of AI innovation, expanding fraud and financial crimes, workforce transformation and climate risk. And let’s

Julie Muckleroy 0
AI’s impact on fraud: A growing challenge for global banking

In 2024, fraud and financial crimes are rising in global banking due to an evolving economic environment and expanding technological capabilities that create new opportunities for fraudsters. In 2023, consumer-focused fraud increased, with attackers posing as energy firms, lottery companies and banks to extract sensitive information from unsuspecting victims. Inflationary pressure saw

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Risk Management
KiWan Lee 0
금융기관 '조기경보시스템'을 위한 체크리스트!

급변하는 대외 환경 변화와 지속 가능한 성장을 위한 금융기관 조기경보시스템의 조건   최근 국내 대외 환경은 경기변동성 증가와 저성장 국면 진입의 가속화로 요약할 수 있습니다. 또한, 최근 30년을 돌아보면 ‘97년 외환 위기, ‘08년 글로벌 금융 위기와 ‘20년 COVID19 팬데믹 등 주기적인 경제위기 발생과 더불어 글로벌 경기 민감도 역시 증가한 상황입니다.

Risk Management
Hyeshin Hwang 0
‘리스크 관리’도 역시 SAS!

SAS, 권위 있는 Chartis RiskTech 100®에서 2위 기록 새롭게 선보인 ‘행동 모델링’ 및 ‘금융기관을 위한 인공지능’ 포함 7개 부문 수상 AI 및 분석 부문 선두기업 SAS가 리스크 기술 공급업체 상위 100대 기업을 평가하여 순위를 발표하는 Chartis RiskTech 100(차티스 리스크텍 100)에서 종합 2위를 차지하는 동시에, 7개 주요 부문에서 수상하는 쾌거를 거두었습니다.

Advanced Analytics
Zeynep Salman 0
How to make informed choices: Build vs. buy decisioning systems

In today’s world of financial services, a well-crafted decisioning system is paramount, whether you're dealing with credit risk, fraud prevention, financial compliance, or any other critical aspect.  Occasionally, financial services organizations decide whether to buy a risk decisioning system or build one using in-house resources.   This quandary demands careful consideration

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Sting Fan 0
How actuaries are driving AI transformation and embracing change

The 2023 International Congress of Actuaries (ICA2023) brought together industry leaders and actuaries worldwide to explore the challenges and opportunities for actuaries. Over the years, SAS has emerged as a variance and regression analysis software, revolutionising the actuarial field. Since then, it has evolved into SAS Viya 4.0, a cloud-native

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Innovation | Machine Learning | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
Managing stranded asset risks in the energy sector with analytics

As the world moves toward a low-carbon future, the power and utilities industry faces significant financial and reputational risks due to the potential stranding of resources and assets. This transition to carbon-free energy sources could render carbon-intensive assets – such as coal- and gas-fired power plants, coal mines and hydrocarbon

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Fabian Ducheyne 0
Why advanced analytics has a vital role in the fight against social fraud

Fraud remains a huge challenge for governments and inspectors at all levels, as fraudsters today are more successful than ever. Because many cases are so difficult to detect, there is tremendous potential for technologies such as analytics and AI to support investigations. The social inspectorates in Belgium have recently set

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Yuri Rueda 0
¿Cuáles son 3 principales tendencias que mostrarán los crímenes financieros en 2023?

Con la llegada del nuevo año, también llegan nuevos riesgos y formas en que las organizaciones criminales buscan realizar diversos crímenes financieros, como los fraudes o lavado de dinero. El 2023 traerá tres principales tendencias en temas de crímenes financieros a las que las entidades de esta industria deberán ponerle

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Risk Management
Luis Barrientos 0
Modelos internos, clave para la implementación de IFRS 9 bajo las condiciones actuales y futuras del mercado

La aplicación de NIIF 9 (IFRS, sus siglas en inglés), respecto a pérdidas crediticias esperadas (ECL, sus siglas en inglés), ha significado para las instituciones financieras desafíos importantes, los cuales se derivan de la propia naturaleza del estándar, basado en principios. Su esencia e iniciativa reside en poder estimar adecuada

Analytics | Risk Management
Jihye Yoo 0
SAS, 가마쿠라 인수로 금융권 변동성 대응 지원 강화

SAS가 하와이 호놀룰루 소재 리스크 관리 전문기업 가마쿠라(Kamakura Corporation)를 인수했다는 소식을 전해 드립니다. 가마쿠라는 은행, 보험사, 자산운용사, 연금 기금 등 광범위한 금융 기관들이 다양한 유형의 금융 리스크를 관리할 수 있도록 전문 소프트웨어, 데이터 및 컨설팅을 제공하고 있는 비상장기업입니다. 치솟는 인플레이션과 경기 침체가 세계 경제에 먹구름처럼 드리워지면서, 크고 작은 금융 서비스

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