Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsIt is estimated that every tenth Danish patient suffers from an infection while being hospitalized and more than 3,000 patients die every year because of infections. However, so far, the actual number of infections has not been known, and therefore it has been difficult to find out where actions should
We realize that you might have ended up here by coincidence after activating a stored link for your favorite local SAS Blog. Nevertheless, do not worry, we will still address how Nordic companies and organizations can gain insight and get the power to know. On the new Hidden Insights Blog,
20 years ago, risk was controlled by small departments in the banks. As authorities felt they were held hostage by the systemic importance of banks, they introduced requirements to banks to become more solvent. In order to get the behavior of banks under control, many types of reports were also
For years, large geographical regions such as the US and the UK have experimented with big data analytics to gain true business advantages – creating an opportunity to adapt better to customer demands, to optimize business models and to mitigate risk. Meanwhile, most companies in the Nordic countries have been
A couple of months ago, I discovered that SAS Institute offers free software for an initiative where data are shared to accelerate cancer research. As a SAS employee, this information made me very proud. I work for a company that makes software available for an initiative, in which we all
Mark Wolff, Ph.D., consultant in SAS Health and Life Sciences Global Practice team, has spoken at health care conferences in several countries. His latest journey took him to Sweden and Denmark, and I met him when he had just delivered his key note at a conference at Karolinska Institut