Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsIf you are a business manager in a European company that holds personal customer data, or one that holds data on European customers, it’s time to start sitting up and taking notice. GDPR is here, and you really can’t afford to ignore it any longer. GDPR—or General Data Protection Regulation,
The world around us is changing - and it is changing fast. In 1958, Companies lasted on average 61 years. In 2012, companies' lifespans average only 18! Because of digitalization impacting almost every part of our lives, these changes are also happening at an exponential rate. At the Wednesday Relations Loyalty
Tingenes Internett forventes å bli en del av hverdagen innen 2020. Det kan lønne seg å hive seg på toget allerede nå. Frem til nå har Tingenes Internett, eller Internet of Things (IoT) som det kalles på engelsk, vært relativt nytt og uprøvd i mange sektorer. Flere selskaper er likevel
Utsagnet maskinlæring konkurrerer ut klassisk analyse, vil kanskje få deg til å stusse. Men, vi har i senere tid krysset noen broer som i mange år har begrenset praktisk bruk av maskinlæring. Data Scientist-rollen blir svært viktig for at virksomhetene skal lykkes. Det er denne rollen som sammen med forretningsanalytikere
Budgets, and the importance of balancing the books, are an ever-present issue in healthcare. With costs rising around the world, and budgets limited whether in insurance- or state-funded systems, care providers are under increased pressure to manage costs effectively. Big data analytics may just provide the means that they have
A blog about how analytics affects the culture of architecture, ethics and values. This little sticker was put on my screen as a farewell salute by a now former colleague on her last day in the office. Most organisations talk about how to build strong cultures or change the current