Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsMonday the 3rd of October some 100 Cyber and IT Security professionals joined the Danish conference Børsen IT-sikkerhedskonference 2016, moderated by the Editor in Chief, Niels Lunde. On the agenda, Cyber Crime was the dominating topic for the day. This was the first time the conference took place and personally,
The idea that patients should be involved in their own care, and that they do better as a result has been around a while. But it is only relatively recently that technology has been applied to patient engagement across the board. Much of this has been fuelled by patients' growing
Olemme SAS Institutessa toimineet nyt reilun vuoden ajan pohjoismaisessa organisaatiossa erillisten maaorganisaatioiden sijasta. Tavoitteenamme on, että hyödynnämme voimavarojamme entistä tehokkaammin yli rajojen. Esimerkiksi kun meillä aiemmin oli Suomessa muutama sosiaali- ja terveysalan analytiikkaan erikoistunut asiantuntija, nyt käytössämme on pohjoismainen tiimi alansa erikoisosaajia – paikallisasiantuntemuksen lisäksi. Yhteistyö pohjoismaisessa organisaatiossa on saanut
There are times when ‘wait and see’ is the ideal strategy. Research shows, for instance, that some forms of prostate cancer are so benign that doing nothing except monitor is genuinely the best way to avoid harm. But with IFRS 4 Phase II, on accounting for insurance contracts, it is
“It is a truth universally acknowledged…” that credit risk assessment is not always either accurate or fair. Indeed, some would say that was putting it mildly, for those with little or no credit history they likely to be badly served by the current market. One way in which it has
Cognitive computing is effectively the development of ‘computer as brain’. Cognitive computing systems can handle complex, ambiguous situations, looking for ‘best’ rather than ‘right’ answers. In preparation for sessions at Analytics Experience in Rome, I caught up with Sue Feldman, co-founder of the Cognitive Computing Consortium, for a preview. How does cognitive