SAS Voices

News and views from the people who make SAS a great place to work
Analytics | Risk Management
Risk: confident or complacent?

A panel of risk experts gave their reaction to the publication of the fifth global risk management survey report undertaken by SAS and the Economist Intelligence Unit. The report suggests that while lessons have been learned, some institutions may be sliding into complacency. At any rate, risk appetites are growing

Customer Intelligence
David Wallace 0
Everything old CAN be new again!

The first-annual SPARK! Financial Services Executive Summit used an unexpected approach to collaboration to generate unconventional ideas about the future of financial services. The ideas came from enthusiastic and engaged senior executives from across the financial services industry who are all committed to improving the industry’s image in the eyes

Analytics | Risk Management
Leo Sadovy 2
A Plethora of Black Swans

I was under the impression that Black Swans were supposed to be rare. Rare enough to be effectively non-computable by standard methods. Nassim Taleb’s formulation of the Black Swan Theory is comprised of the three traits of: outlier (rarity), extreme impact, and retrospective predictability (i.e. 20/20 hindsight). I write this

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