SAS Voices
News and views from the people who make SAS a great place to work
Many companies are sitting on a goldmine: their data. But they may have no idea of its value.Companies that are not already thinking about analytics as the next logical step to harvest value and insights from their data need to rethink their strategy. They are in a way, very similar

For thousands of years, the human experience has been recorded by storytellers. Stories tell the tale of our lives: beginning, middle and end. Stories document the triumphs and tragedies of heroes and villains and everything in between. Human beings are storytellers -- it's a trait as uniquely human as an

I've got scale on my mind! While speeding down the rails from Brussels to Paris on the TGV (the sleek, high-speed train), the scale of speed is breathtaking. In previous generations, going from Brussels to Paris for a single-day meeting would have inevitably involved a plane, with check-ins, security, travel

How comfortable are you with hard decisions? If it affected you, how comfortable would you be with losing your agency and having someone else make the decision for you? What if that decision isn’t made by a person but a machine? More than abstract questions, these are going to become

While the growth of big data is an issue that preoccupies both the public and private sector, it’s also high on the UK government’s legislative agenda. All eyes are currently on the authorities, as we wait with bated breath to see what’s next in the quest to manage data escalation.

In 2012, the value of big data equity in the UK was estimated at £12 billion a year or 0.7 percent of the annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Four years flew by and the second report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) puts the opportunity at £46