Hidden Insights
Experience the possibilities with Business AnalyticsMichael Link is not happy, and he has written about it. He has been receiving marketing emails for a product that you already own from a company that ought to know better. In this case, the unhappinesss is with Adobe, which persists in trying to sell him Photoshop Elements for
Data science has perhaps become something of a victim of its own success. As big data has proliferated, and more data is available, companies have enthusiastically bought into the idea that they can use analytics to get better insights from all this data. With data storage and cleaning becoming both
I commented before in my previous post that good fraud detection requires good data governance, which also serves many other purposes, not least to satisfy regulatory demands. But fraud is changing too: it is becoming much more the province of organized crime, and less about individuals. And fraud detection on
Maailma tuntuu yllättyneen jo tänäkin vuonna monta kertaa, ja nenäni haistaa hämmästyksille jatkoa. Moni tuntuu ihmettelevän, miten Big Data tai analytiikka ei paljastanut uusimpia käänteitä. Me maailman suurimmassa analytiikkatalossa annamme heille anteeksi, koska he eivät tiedä, mistä puhuvat. Joidenkin jo vanhentuneidenkin arvioiden mukaan ihmiskunta tuottaa kahdessa päivässä yhtä paljon dataa
Machine learning is quietly spreading into every aspect of our lives. Perhaps it is not quite yet completely common, but it is definitely becoming more noticeable. From recommendations by online retailers to better, less congested routes to familiar destinations, it is starting to make our lives easier. At the same
For many of us, our main contact with anti-money laundering (AML) activities is the need to prove our identity before we can open a new bank account, or buy a house. It may be annoying, but it’s just one of those things that has to be done. But for governments,