SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.Strengthens and stretches legs, knees and ankles. Stretches groins, spine, chest, lungs and shoulders. Stimulates abdominal organs and aids in digestion. Improves balance and increases stamina. Revolved Twist/Side Angle Pose (Sanskrit: Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) From High Lunge pose with left foot forward, place hands at heart center. Make sure the front
Mix up your strength training routine with the RFC's Workout of the Month! July's featured equipment is the BOSU. The BOSU was originally created to improve athletic performance, however, it quickly entered mainstream gyms as well as rehab facilities due to it's versatility as a balance, stability, and core strength tool.
As a hospice social worker I considered it one of my roles to remind patients and families to take moments to slow it down; to look around at the person they were about to lose and the people who were about to experience the loss. I knew it was time
It’s hard to pick up a medical journal or news article these days without reading something about the gut microbiome. Thanks to the NIH Human Microbiome Project established in 2008, health professionals and the general public have learned much about the link between the condition of our gut microbiome and
As we are all well aware, providing caregiving for our parent(s) is complicated and messy. Siblings can often be both a blessing and a curse in this process, providing much needed relief and support, or perhaps creating additional stress and barriers to important decisions and resources. Why is this the
Recently I was in a staff meeting that involved a discussion regarding the impact of personality types on interpersonal relationships. You may recall sixteen personality types suggested by Meyers Briggs research (MBTI ®) such as ENFJ or ISFP. Or perhaps you, like Cindi Lauper, see your True Color® shining through. Galton (1884), and