SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.I have a busy life. Did I sign up for it? You bet! Now I’m trying to balance it all and do it well. I’m a mom first and foremost. Being a parent is the most important job someone can take on. Raising the next generation is no easy task
It's as easy as walking, right? Well, give it a try. October’s move of the month is the “Farmer’s” Carry. It is a SUPER-simple, full body, traveling exercise. It incorporates core stabilization and a familiar daily activity - walking. All you have to do is walk + carry something...preferably
Many of us struggle with getting enough good quality sleep. I have a 9 month old daughter, so I am well aware of the struggles and the consequences of not getting enough sleep. Winding down from the day is one of the top reasons why it takes many of us
Last month I vowed to take time off from watching TV. I worried I was wasting time that could be spent in better ways. I entered that commitment with optimism for what I could achieve during the time off. As it turned out instead, my body was waiting to teach me
There is one thing that is consistent during this time of year – planning Breast Cancer Awareness events at SAS and throughout the community. I have a deep passion due to the family history, genetics and simply wanting to help others. I’m also a strong believer in research, education and
Starting the Parent Care conversation . . . There are numerous reasons why we don’t want to have this conversation and avoid it at all costs. It’s awkward . . . it’s emotional . . . it feels presumptuous and uncomfortable . . . the list goes on and on.