SAS Life

Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.
Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Adoption: Part two

In my blog, Deciding to Adopt, I mentioned sharing 4 podcasts about adoption that I recorded with Darius Moore and Alex Kelly with the Children's Home Society of NC. Here are the second two podcasts on "Adopting in NC" and "Cross-cultural Fostering and Adoption". Adopting in NC Cross-cultural Fostering and

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
Creatures of Habit

Our dog, Tucker Barktholomew, has this internal clock. Every night at 8pm, he gets up and walks over to my husband and whimpers. It’s his time to go outside in the yard to say farewell to the day and prep for bedtime. He and his sister, Bella Bixby, come in

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