SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.For those of us who live with our partners, our relationships have quickly turned into coworking, Coronavirus fear sharing, constantly interacting partnerships. Here are some things to consider as you adjust to these new normals. Have tips to share? Please comment below! We are more likely to remember when things
Wow! My IG feed has blown up with stories and posts of people working out. Everyone has EXPLODED with ALL the options, ideas, and what they are doing. It’s A LOT and I’m super proud that people are moving. Who’s been tagged with the Push Up Challenge? How ‘bout the
Spring is the time of plans and projects. ― Leo Tolstoy Spring is a season of new beginnings and growth. The days are getting warmer and longer, inviting you to get your daily dose of nature. If you’re interested in a new project that will support your health, consider growing
Work/Life wanted to know the creative ways SAS employees are coping with the temporary changes caused by Coronavirus precautions. We asked how you are coping with working from home, working from home with kids, keeping entertained at home, and how you are staying centered and connected with others. Here is
Join the Recreation & Fitness Center and have some fun celebrating #PiDay2020 by "baking apple pie" in this workout! Complete 3(.14) 😉 rounds of 1 minute of each exercise. --> Please check with your physician before participating in any exercise program. Picking apples – Alternating Overhead Shoulder Press Flour Bag
Whether you are a regimented breakfast eater, a breakfast skipper or fall somewhere in between, we could all use some new ideas for breaking our overnight fast with something besides a pastry, a bowl of cereal or a bagel. All too often people grab what is most convenient during their