SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.I don't have a big vacation planned this summer. Don't feel sorry for me... I am going to Germany for a week in October and on Friday I leave for my second weekend at the beach. I have recently been reading about what makes a vacation "restorative". There is some cool
Lengthens inner thigh and side waist. Engages core and lengthens spine while opening chest, arms and shoulders. Gate Pose (Sanskrit: Parighasana) Begin on mat kneeling with toes curled under and torso lengthened with crown reaching tall. Extend your right leg out to the right and press your entire foot into
Is this menopause? Maybe you've noticed some changes. Perhaps it’s the occasional hot flushed feeling that erupts like a volcano or maybe it's the irregular periods when you’ve always been like clockwork. Although menopause is often thought of as a singular event, it isn’t unless you are undergoing chemotherapy that
My colleague, Lisa, and I were comparing notes the other day. Both of us starting working in our teens (14 and 15 respectively) during the academic year as well as the summers. I worked at Sears in the drapery and bedspread department. I’ll never forget my first boss—Mr. Arnold. He
The Kettlebell (KB) clean is a multi-joint movement that incorporates a squat, a pull, and shoulder rotation. You will work to maximize momentum generated in the lower body to use your upper body while challenging core stability. This exercise requires a little coordination and precision, so take your time learning
The average American household spends about 12.5% of income on food, with a shrinking margin of difference between money spent on groceries and at restaurants (57% versus 43%). With over 1 million restaurant establishments in the United States, it’s no wonder that dining out is now the norm rather than