Move of the month - Kettlebell Clean


The Kettlebell (KB) clean is a multi-joint movement that incorporates a squat, a pull, and shoulder rotation.  You will work to maximize momentum generated in the lower body to use your upper body while challenging core stability.  This exercise requires a little coordination and precision, so take your time learning the correct phases and technique!

Be sure to keep your core engaged as you experience this full-body exercise!


About Author

Rebecca Allen

Recreation and Fitness Program Coordinator Wellness

Rebecca E. Allen is passionate about helping others develop and nurture practices of well-being.   She earned her BS in Sociology and MA in Exercise and Sport Science and holds fitness certifications from ACE, AFAA,, IFTA, and Tai Chi for Health Institute.  She is a Medical Exercise Specialist and is registered with Yoga Alliance as a 500 RYT. Rebecca enjoys long walks in the woods with her husband, Chip Davis.

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