Lengthens inner thigh and side waist. Engages core and lengthens spine while opening chest, arms and shoulders.
Gate Pose (Sanskrit: Parighasana)
- Begin on mat kneeling with toes curled under and torso lengthened with crown reaching tall. Extend your right leg out to the right and press your entire foot into floor with inner foot facing body. The right ankle is in alignment with right hip and you’re engaging your abdominals to keep an extra sway out of the lower back.
- Reach arms up to the sky lengthening through the side waist. Take a deep breath in and drop right hand over to right leg while having left arm reaching up and stretching through intercostal muscle between ribs. Make sure you’re not falling into the right waist line. Breathe! Stay for a few breaths and then move to other side. Gaze can be wherever you’d like.
- Note: You may use padding under knees. It might feel nice to move onto hands and knees and arch spine in Cat pose before moving to the next side.
Namaste – The light within me honors the grace and wisdom within you.