Eine aktuelle Studie von SAS beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie bereit Unternehmen für die Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) sind. Das Ergebnis zeigt: Es gibt viel zu tun. Gerade beim Einsatz moderner Analytics-Plattformen, die Innovationen vorantreiben können, gibt es noch Nachholbedarf. Aber wer sind die Anspruchsgruppen einer solchen Analytics-Plattform,
Model Governance ist nicht die neueste Daumenschraube der EZB, sondern eine Notwendigkeit mit Effizienzpotenzial - Warum Banken bei regulatorischen Anforderungen zum Abwarten neigen – und warum das kein nachhaltiges Vorgehen ist - , habe ich meinem letzten Blogpost beschrieben. Wie aber sieht denn ein sinnvolles Vorgehen aus? Die gute Nachricht
Much has been written about the value that North Carolina’s Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Automated Data Services (CJLEADS) system has brought the state’s court personnel and law enforcement officers. CJLEADS integrates dozens of NC criminal justice and law enforcement data sets, a vast improvement over the state’s legacy processes. Law
인공지능 활용 엔터프라이즈 분석 가능한 ‘SAS 플랫폼’ 최신 오퍼링 출시 SAS 코리아, 최신 머신러닝·자연어처리 등 인공지능(AI) 활용 분석 기능 강화 머신러닝·자연어처리로 비정형 데이터 가치 극대화 및 전 과정 시각화하는 엔드투엔드 비주얼 환경 제공 웹 인터페이스로 전체 분석 라이프사이클을 통합하고, 초보자부터 전문가까지 전사 협업 지원 미국적십자사·시스코·뮌헨재보험 등 도입… 분석 인사이트로 비즈니스
Data analysts often fit a probability distribution to data. When you have access to the data, a common technique is to use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to compute the parameters of a distribution that are "most likely" to have produced the observed data. However, how can you fit a distribution
The R SWAT package (SAS Wrapper for Analytics Transfer) enables you to upload big data into an in-memory distributed environment to manage data and create predictive models using familiar R syntax. In the SAS Viya Integration with Open Source Languages: R course, you learn the syntax and methodology required to
Are you going to Denver, Colorado, and wondering what fun/interesting/eclectic things you can do there? Then this is the map for you! For the past couple of years, I've made maps of the city SAS Global Forum is in, pointing out some of the attractions that conference attendees might want
‘국영수코(co)’라는 신조어 들어보셨나요? 국어, 영어, 수학, 코딩(coding)의 약자인데요. 교육부의 ‘2015 개정교육과정’에 따라 올해 3월부터 중학생, 내년부터는 초등학교 5, 6학년 학생의 소프트웨어(SW) 교육이 의무화되면서 코딩 교육과 관련 자격증 열풍이 불고 있습니다. 미국, 영국 등 IT 선진국들은 이미 발 빠르게 코딩 교육을 의무화하며, 4차 산업혁명 시대의 인재 확보에 나섰는데요. SAS 역시 2014년, 학습이나 비상업적인
Numa era em que o cliente/consumidor ganha ainda mais importância junto de todos os negócios as empresas têm de se valer de todas as ferramentas existentes com o intuito de proporcionar melhores e mais valiosas experiências. O recurso a ferramentas analíticas e à Inteligência Artificial (AI) é, talvez, a melhor
Joyce Norris-Montanari starts this two-part series with some suggested actions you can take to help you comply with the GDPR.
Banken dürfen das Thema Model Risk Management nicht aussitzen – schon wegen der EZB und ihrer Initiative TRIM - Abwarten, verzögern, aussitzen: Die Banken tun seit Jahren nicht viel dafür, sich als aktiver Gegenpart der Bankenaufsicht zu profilieren. Ist ihnen das vorzuwerfen? Schließlich, so scheint es, treibt die Aufsicht auch
최근 금융감독원은 2017년 국내 보이스피싱 피해액이 2,423억원에 달하며, 전년 대비 26% 증가했다고 발표했습니다. 특히 하반기에만 가상화폐를 이용해 148억원이 탈취된 것으로 밝혀지며 논란이 되고 있는데요. 이렇게 IT 기술이 발달함에 따라 신종 자금세탁 수법이 등장하면서 사기 탐지는 더욱 어려워지고 있습니다. 결국 산업에 관계없이 모든 금융 범죄 조사관은 사기 탐지 기술과 전략을 지속적으로 강화하고,
Do you procrastinate and find excuses to delay doing certain things, even when you know they really ought to be done? And you probably realize that starting those projects is usually the hardest part, eh? Well, I finally started converting hundreds of my SAS examples to use the new GfK maps,
Many people know that a surface can contain a saddle point, but did you know that you can define the saddle point of a matrix? Saddle points in matrices are somewhat rare, which means that if you choose a random matrix you are unlikely to choose one that has a
You’ve probably heard the stats about the number of internet-connected devices, which make up the Internet of Things (IoT). Most likely, you’re part of the narrative. We're all connected in new ways and through more devices than ever before. Sometimes IoT impacts our daily lives – safety sensors on cars,
This article shows how to use SAS to solve a system of nonlinear equations. When there are n unknowns and n equations, this problem is equivalent to finding a multivariate root of a vector-valued function F(x) = 0 because you can always write the system as f1(x1, x2, ..., xn)
Part 5 of this series brings us to Rotterdam again, where I met with the two Notilyze founders Colin Nugteren and Tom Dogger. Both of them studied econometrics in Rotterdam, but go back as far as the F4 soccer team they were both playing in as kids. Company overview The
Please join me and my colleague Charlie Chase, for the IBF's Predictive Business Analytics Forecasting & Planning Conference in New Orleans (April 23-25). Charlie and I will be staffing the SAS booth, and available to answer your SAS forecasting questions, or provide a software demonstration. Also, fill out a short
Chess has been intertwined with Computer Science since, well ... forever. Long before supercomputer Deep Blue, loaded with human-crafted chess algorithms, beat reigning world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Well before AlphaZero AI defeated all of human chess knowledge with just a few hours of study. Way before computers even
“Quick response forecasting (QRF) techniques are forecasting processes that can incorporate information quickly enough to act upon by agile supply chains” explained Dr. Larry Lapide, in a recent Journal of Business Forecasting column. The concept of QRF is based on updating demand forecasts to reflect real and rapid changes in demand, both
데이터 시각화 툴을 이용해 건물 지도, 층 설계, 기타 Esri 데이터를 디스플레이해야 한다면? 여기를 주목해주세요! 최근 ‘SAS 비주얼 애널리틱스 8.2(SAS Visual Analytics 8.2)’에 추가된 사용자 정의 폴리곤(polygon) 기능으로 여러 유형의 지역 오버레이를 렌더링할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 보고서에 층 또는 건물 지도를 포함시킬 때 많이 사용되는데요. 오늘은 SAS 비주얼 애널리틱스로 실제 폴리곤을 등록하고,
My article about the difference between CLASS variables and BY variables in SAS focused on SAS analytical procedures. However, the BY statement is also useful in the SAS DATA step where it is used to merge data sets and to analyze data at the group level. When you use the
A common request on the communities page is to place data labels on horizontal bar charts. Often users want to display stacked horizontal bar charts, with the values displayed for each segment and the overall value of the bar itself as shown in the example below. In this example, the
An earlier SGMAP blog used the BUBBLE statement to overlay point data on top of an Open Street Map. However, not all map features are points. Some are enclosed areas called polygons. Some map polygons share common borders such as states and counties. Others are separate, non-contiguous regions such as national parks
Un informe de IDC a nivel mundial indica que los bancos invertirán más de 2,2 billones de dólares en Big Data y Analytics (soluciones que ayudan a la transformación exitosa) en 2018. Se conoció también que la mitad de las grandes entidades bancarias lanzarán al menos unas cinco aplicaciones que
David Loshin looks at two levels of data privacy concerns: exposure, and fair use of personal information.
This article describes and implements a fast algorithm that estimates a median for very large samples. The traditional median estimate sorts a sample of size N and returns the middle value (when N is odd). The algorithm in this article uses Monte Carlo techniques to estimate the median much faster.
2월의 마지막 주, 전 세계의 정보통신기술(ICT) 업체, 스타트 업, 벤처캐피털(VC)이 스페인 바르셀로나에 모입니다. 바로 2월 26일부터 3월 2일까지 개최되는 세계 최대 모바일 전시회 '2018년 모바일 월드 콩그레스(MWC; Mobile World Congress)' 때문인데요. MWC는 4차 산업혁명의 핵심 기술인 사물인터넷(IoT)이 통신, 도시, 자동차, 제조, 여행, 헬스케어, 에너지, 유통 등 전 산업에 걸쳐 어떻게 세상을 변화시키고 있는지에 대해 확인할 수
Unless you live under a rock, you've probably seen news reports that Russian trolls have been posting on social media to allegedly conduct "what they called information warfare against the United States, with the stated goal of spreading distrust toward the candidates and the political system in general," according to
Start off the New Year by brushing up your SAS programming skills! Begin your goal to become SAS certified or explore these New SAS books and other SAS Press titles, many of which will be making their bookshelf debut at SAS® Global Forum 2018 in Denver, CO! Want to be notified when a new book