For linear regression models, there is a class of statistics that I call deletion diagnostics or leave-one-out statistics. These observation-wise statistics address the question, "If I delete the i_th observation and refit the model, what happens to the statistics for the model?" For example: The PRESS statistic is similar to
June is PRIDE month and there are lots of cool events at SAS and in the community that you can attend to celebrate and learn and have fun. In this blog I am going to share some tips on being an ally-- not just in June, but all year round.
Os novos paradigmas resultantes da introdução de novas tecnologias e da alteração de comportamentos e hábitos de consumo, resultam em forças esmagadoras que pressionam as indústrias a alterações substanciais na forma como trabalham e interagem com os seus clientes. A área dos Seguros não é exceção e movimentos de consolidação
SAS코리아, 롯데홈쇼핑과 함께하는 ‘제 17회 SAS 분석 챔피언십’ 개최 빅데이터·AI 알고리즘 활용한 ‘홈쇼핑 방송 판매실적 예측’ 주제로 공모 SAS 솔루션 및 분석 교육을 통한 실제 비즈니스 과제 해결…분석 전문성 제고 6월 30일까지 참가 접수…우승팀에 상금·교육·인턴십 가산점 등 다양한 혜택 제공 2019년 6월 5일, 서울 – 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(쌔스)코리아(가
Banks see open source as a hotbed of innovation – and a governance nightmare. Do the rewards outweigh the risks? Open source software used to be treated almost as a joke in the financial services sector. If you wanted to build a new system, you bought tried and tested, enterprise-grade
Recoding variables can be tedious, but it is often a necessary part of data analysis. Almost every SAS programmer has written a DATA step that uses IF-THEN/ELSE logic or the SELECT-WHEN statements to recode variables. Although creating a new variable is effective, it is also inefficient because you have to
How intelligent decisioning solutions can help you stay relevant in the era of digital banking Fierce competition, advances in technology, and consumer expectations for hyperpersonalised services are forcing the financial services sector to evolve. To adapt to rapid market developments, many banks and insurers are launching ambitious digital transformation projects.
Soccer (or football) fans everywhere will turn their eyes to France over the next month to cheer on amazing women from 24 countries contending on the global stage. These women compete at the highest level in an area that for too long was viewed as a man’s game. In many
For my third 'Rosetta Graph' example, I will focus on a simple pie chart. Hopefully this example will show you how to convert your SAS/Graph Proc Gchart pies into almost-identical Proc SGpie pies. And speaking of almost-identical pies, here are two beautiful pies my friend Beth made - which one
A family of curves is generated by an equation that has one or more parameters. To visualize the family, you might want to display a graph that overlays four of five curves that have different parameter values, as shown to the right. The graph shows members of a family of
You've probably heard of the famous Rosetta Stone. It had the same decree written on it in both ancient Egyptian and Greek, and was an essential key to help modern historians decipher and translate the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. To help the 'old timers' (like me) shift from using SAS/Graph to the
The hype around artificial intelligence has never been higher – and retail is one industry where it has a chance to make a major impact on profits. But as hype and misunderstandings continue to build, it's become harder than ever to keep sight of the true disruptive potential of AI. I
Statistical programmers and analysts often use two kinds of rectangular data sets, popularly known as wide data and long data. Some analytical procedures require that the data be in wide form; others require long form. (The "long format" is sometimes called "narrow" or "tall" data.) Fortunately, the statistical graphics procedures
Knowing how to visualize a regression model is a valuable skill. A good visualization can help you to interpret a model and understand how its predictions depend on explanatory factors in the model. Visualization is especially important in understanding interactions between factors. Recently I read about work by Jacob A.
Note: This is the second post in a series featuring analytics leaders in the utility industry. St. Louis is home to Anheuser Busch, the legendary Cardinals baseball team, and Ameren, where analytics rocks. More on this later. Ameren is a large investor-owned utility that serves St. Louis and the surrounding
Business Intelligence (BI) begleitet uns schon seit geraumer Zeit – und zwar in ganz unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen. Und das Thema wird immer wichtiger und verändert sich im gleichen Maße, wie Unternehmen den Wert datengetriebener Entscheidungen erkennen. Damals und heute BI war in „jungen Jahren“ geprägt von teuren, komplexen Systemen, die sich
You've probably heard of the famous Rosetta Stone. It had the same decree written on it in both ancient Egyptian and Greek, and was an essential key to help modern historians decipher and translate the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. To help the 'old timers' (like me) shift from using SAS/Graph to
It can be hard to get a handle on what artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will actually do. We all understand – in theory, at least – that they could change the way we live and work. In most cases and for most of us, however, the precise
Modern statistical software provides many options for computing robust statistics. For example, SAS can compute robust univariate statistics by using PROC UNIVARIATE, robust linear regression by using PROC ROBUSTREG, and robust multivariate statistics such as robust principal component analysis. Much of the research on robust regression was conducted in the
By now it’s no secret that all kinds of organizations are using analytics to take on some of their biggest opportunities. But what about all the opportunities that have the potential to address important human issues that we have overlooked for one reason or another? Those are exactly the types
The latest edition of The American Statistician is dedicated to proposals for living in a post p<.05 world, a world in which a statistical test with a result of “p<.05” is no longer given the importance it has previously been afforded. Decent, honorable researchers once discussed such things only in
Learn how Bayesian optimization works through a simple demo.
As we honor Mental Health Month, there are many calls to reduce suffering. Seems reasonable, right? It’s even in California’s Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), where public systems are called to “reduce subjective suffering.” And as we broadly focus more on outcomes in health, measuring suffering (and hopefully its reduction)
Redefining banking in a financial services market where your biggest competitor may be Amazon or Google, not a traditional bank. Open banking may not have made much of an impression on consumers yet. But it’s a topic that the industry cannot afford to ignore. Tier one UK banks are already
Analytics can bring tremendous value to a business. However, investing in an analytics solution is often easier said than done. The key challenge is demonstrating the value of analytics without first investing in technology and resources. The solution? Take a results-based approach to establish the value of analytics by using
The eigenvalues of a matrix are not easy to compute. It is remarkable, therefore, that with relatively simple mental arithmetic, you can obtain bounds for the eigenvalues of a matrix of any size. The bounds are provided by using a marvelous mathematical result known as Gershgorin's Disc Theorem. For certain
Marathons seem to be popular these days, therefore I decided to dive into some data and find a way to apply analytics. You might find this interesting if you're a fan of marathons - or if you like seeing the details behind cool graphing techniques! Before we get started, here's
In this blog, I use a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to predict whether opinions for a given review will be positive or negative. This prediction is treated as a text classification example. The Sentiment Classification Model is trained using deepRNN algorithms and the resulting model is used to predict if new reviews are positive or negative.
Jim Harris shares three more examples of how data quality improves AI in Part 2 of his series.
Analytics has an important role to play in supporting the police to keep our communities safe, and I believe the benefits can be far-reaching. In my previous three posts, I discussed the role analytics can play in policing, reviewed the required data and highlighted a police force that is currently