
Machine Learning
Katie Tedrow 0
The hybrid approach to enhancing your natural language processing

Unlocking the potential of your unstructured text data can lead to great business outcomes but the prospect of starting a new or enhancing your existing Natural Language Processing (NLP) program can feel overwhelming because of the inherently unique (and sometimes messy) nature of human language. Text data doesn’t fit neatly into rows or columns the way that structured data does, which can make it seem more complex to work with. Conversations and written language range from objective statements to subjective perspectives and opinions. The same sentence, depending on its intent and the nuances in how it's said, can have a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. To get us started, we'll share different types of NLP models used to analyze unstructured data with a focus on the hybrid approach.

Mark Lambrecht 0
The future of health care and life sciences with SAS Analytics on Azure 

Heather Cartwright, General Manager of Microsoft Health, joined me to contemplate the new horizons in healthcare made possible by SAS and Microsoft’s new strategic partnership.  The four walls of the doctor’s office are disappearing. Following decades of planning for hypotheticals, this year health care organizations were compelled to make good on the promise of digital transformation. Meeting the

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence
Gustavo Guerrero 0
Analítica en la nube: simplicidad, innovación y foco en el core business

La migración de una operación analítica a la nube abre un amplio abanico de ventajas para las organizaciones: procesamiento y análisis de datos para encontrar las respuestas a sus problemas de negocio más apremiantes, tomar las decisiones más informadas posibles, e identificar oportunidades para crecer, innovar y ser rentables. Les

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Ilkay Aydogdu 0
Three digital transformation challenge areas ahead for insurance providers in Turkey

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, SAS has formed dedicated global teams to predict and monitor the pandemic’s course and identify the likely impact for customers. In Turkey, we have identified three main risk areas for insurers and have set out some strategies to help our clients respond, recover

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Byoung-Jeong Choi 0
[AutoML 시리즈 1] SAS AutoML이 주도하는 분석 인사이트

전 세계 모든 산업의 변화를 주도하고 있는 주인공은 단연 AI(Artificial Intelligence, 인공지능)입니다. 운송, 금융, 엔터테인먼트, 헬스케어, 공공서비스, 에너지, 통신, 교육 등 모든 분야에서 AI는 비즈니스와 일상을 혁신하며 새로운 미래를 열고 있지요. SAS도 2019년 향후 3년간 AI 분야에 총 10억 달러 투자 계획을 발표한 바 있습니다. AI는 데이터라는 경험을 통해 배우고, 이

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
In-Sung Park 0
Beyond CDP: 최적화된 개인화 마케팅을 위한 SAS CDP

지난 몇 년간, 고객 데이터 플랫폼(Customer Data Platform, 이하 CDP)과 데이터 관리 플랫폼 (Data Management Platform, 이하 DMP)이 글로벌 마케팅 트렌드로 부상하는 가운데, 국내에서도 DMP를 활용한 개인화된 디지털 광고, 고객과 마케팅 업무 지향적인 CDP를 도입하는 기업이 증가하고 있습니다. 이 같은 트렌드는 디지털 채널의 빠른 성장과 마테크(Martech, 기술적인 마케팅을 가능하게 만드는

Customer Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Alexander Tikhonov 0
How banking in Russia is embracing digital transformation and resilience

It is becoming common to attribute huge changes in any sector to part of the global response to the pandemic. I’d argue that the pandemic has simply accelerated changes that were already happening in this sector. To test this hypothesis, I caught up with Alex Kwiatkowski, Principal Industry Consultant for

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