Data Visualization

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Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
The impact of data governance and analytics: An interview with the U. of Idaho

What's the impact of using data governance and analytics for the business side of education? It's an interesting question, and during a video interview, Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D.,Former Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation (IEA) at the University of Idaho shared details on the results they're realizing from using SAS for

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | SAS Events
Scott Hicks 0
Why Maps matter: Lessons learned from London's 1854 Cholera outbreak

The catch phrase “everything happens somewhere” is increasingly common these days.  That “somewhere” translates into a location on the Earth; a latitude and longitude.  When one of these “somewhere’s” is combined with many other “somewhere’s”, you quickly have a robust spatial data set that becomes actionable with the right analytic

Analytics | Data Visualization | SAS Events
Janny Morsink 0
What’s it like to recruit the next great soccer star? Find out in this data science escape room from SAS and SciSports

Have you ever dreamed of working for a professional sports organization? Do you play fantasy sports leagues and fantasize about owning a real team? Do you follow the news about player drafts and trades, and wish you could influence who your team picks? Well, here’s your chance. The latest SAS

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization | Internet of Things
Pedro Felipe Cerón 0
Cuatro maneras en que la revolución de los datos está transformando el gobierno

Además de mejorar la eficiencia de las organizaciones, con el aprovechamiento del Big Data, las instituciones pueden gestionar información que los ayude a responder a las necesidades de los ciudadanos. Su uso en el sector del gobierno, por ejemplo, contribuye a mejorar la comprensión de los fenómenos sociales y apoyar

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