SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.Do you have a love/hate relationship with cruciferous vegetables? You love eating them, but your gut hates digesting them? Or you can’t stand the bitter flavor, but you would love to get the health benefits from eating them? Whether it’s your taste buds or your belly that has a crucifer
At SAS, we have a multidimensional culture that blends our different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives from employees in nearly 60 countries around the world. Our mission is to infuse diversity, equity, and inclusion into everything we do. At SAS, we are focused on increasing the diversity of our own workforce at all
In her book, Love More, Fight Less: A relationship workbook for couples, Certified relationship coach and author, Dr. Gina Senarighi recommends couples institute a weekly meeting: "Couples meet once a week to discuss schedules, finances, and shared resources as well as responsibilities and tasks. …Having regular check-ins helps keep any
Halloween, and the copious amounts of candy that comes with it, marks the beginning of a continuous stream of tempting foods from October to January. For the 9th year, the SAS Healthcare Center will be gathering excess Halloween candy to donate to NC Packs 4 Patriots, an organization that supports
I'm not sure when it started, but I've had this lifelong situation that began small, I'm sure, and then grew! While I've encouraged it to become a friend, some days it is not. You may ask who or what this friend is. It's a little thing called perfectionism. It can
A calorie is not a calorie and the advice to simply burn more calories than you take in just doesn’t work. While being aware of calories and other macronutrient numbers is important, there is more to the puzzle. Focusing on the quality of food, not just the quantity, is key