SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.
I’m all for a good 2-for-1 deal, so if there’s a food I can use as a condiment to jazz up eggs, salads, beans, grain bowls, meat, fish and wraps while offering unique health-promoting properties, sign me up! Enter fermented foods — these functional foods that are created through controlled

At SAS, we foster a spirit of creativity and encourage new and innovative ideas. Our people love asking, “What if?” to find unique solutions to our customers’ toughest problems, and each year, a number of our employees’ inventions are awarded patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Thanks

In this previous post, we discussed what insulin resistance is and how to recognize it…and then you were left hanging wondering how to prevent, manage or reverse it! No fear, part two is here where we we’ll cover lifestyle interventions to help “fix the doorbell,” allowing normal insulin signaling to

Millions of people worldwide struggle with a silent blood sugar problem known as insulin resistance. Unfortunately, our fast-paced, high-stress, inactive lifestyles contribute to this unwanted, complex condition. However, insulin resistance can be prevented and sometimes reversed with diet and lifestyle changes. So, what is insulin resistance and how do you

When we think about our skin and skin health we might think about cleansers and moisturizers, but the foods we choose to eat can have a big impact on skin health. Whether its acne, rosacea, eczema or psoriasis, they can all be impacted by what we eat. Even aging, the

The foods that we choose to eat impact every aspect of our health, and as you can imagine, these food choices can also impact every aspect of an athlete’s performance. Choosing the right foods, at the right times, can improve power, strength, reaction time, endurance and recovery. Our young athletes