SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.I recently celebrated my one year anniversary at SAS. I don’t use the word celebrated passively; there was delicious food, time for reflection, and of course selfies. I'm still in awe of this work environment and my awesome team. So what have I learned in this past year? Mayonnaise mixed
I’m a productivity junkie! Living in a culture where productivity is highly valued, cutting corners on sleep is often a life survival skill. We’ve been trained to function this way (at least in the US) for over 50 years. As a result, being tired and fatigued is the status quo
I jumped down the rabbit hole of essential oils (EOs) and aromatherapy ~18 years ago and never looked back. Smell is one of the strongest connections we have to memory. My first experience with essential oil occurred during a massage when the therapist used Lilac. I immediately thought of my
Oh, man! What's happening? I just can't figure out what's going on. I'm tired. Exhausted actually. I don't feel well. I just want my energy back! We've all been there. Sometimes more often that we'd like. Sounds like it's time for a reboot. How do we reboot the human body?
Next week, Work/Life, HCC, and RFC will hold the first ever Sleep Transformation challenge for SAS employees and their adult family members. As part of a series of blogs on sleep by the Work/Life staff, today’s topic is Children and Sleep. Like adults, many children do not get enough
As you may know, Work/Life is partnering with RFC and HCC to launch a Sleep Transformation next month, so I thought I would focus this month’s blog on the importance of sleep for older adults with dementia. We are all aware of the importance of a good night’s sleep,