SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.Sweet Potato Toast is quite literally one of the best things since sliced bread (and it has SO much more flavor)! This nutrient dense, whole foods, gluten-free, fiber-rich complex carbohydrate can be eaten with breakfast, lunch or dinner or even as a snack. Sweet Potato Toast isn’t bread made from
I was at the park with my three year old granddaughter this past weekend. As I was watching the parents running, fetching, pushing, I was reminded of some advice I received from a very wise woman when I had young children. She said, “If you are expending more energy than
Strengthens arms, wrists, core, spine and thighs. Opens chest and shoulders while improving posture. Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Sanskrit: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) Begin lying down on mat (face down). Legs are lengthened behind with inner thighs spiraling so all ten toes and top of feet are planted in mat. Place palms
As a single mom of 10 years, I have vacillated back and forth from “There is no evening that I wouldn’t rather take a bath than go on a date” to “ok, this might be fun.” Mostly, thinking about dating as a single parent just makes me tired. Whether you
Thanks to Laurie Berzack, MSW, this week's guest blogger for the Work/Life Relationship Series! I've been a matchmaker for more than a decade, I've seen and heard it all. Do you really have no time to meet someone or is that merely an excuse? If you DO want to find the love of