Search Results: forest plot (77)

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Kevin Scott 0
The Empirical Mode Decomposition for handling non-stationary time series

Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a powerful time-frequency analysis technique that allows for the decomposition of a non-stationary and non-linear signal into a series of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). The method was first introduced by Huang et al. in 1998 and has since been widely used in various fields, such as signal processing, image analysis, and biomedical engineering.

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Falko Schulz 0
Analyzing movement and tracking data using SAS Visual Analytics

Technological advancements in connectivity and global positioning systems (GPS) have led to increased data tracking and related business use cases to analyze such movements. Whether analyzing a vehicle, an animal or a population's movements - each use case requires analyzing underlying spatial information. Global challenges such as virus outbreaks, deforestation

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
A Graphical Journey

The ODS Graphics software, first released with SAS 9.2, supported creating graphs directly from statistical procedures.  Prior to this, very few statistical procedures created graphs on their own, and in most cases creating graphs was a post process or creating the graphs from the saved data using SAS/GRAPH procedures. With

Advanced Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning
SAS Korea 0
SAS 커스터머 인텔리전스 360(SAS Customer Intelligence 360): 머신러닝의 블랙 박스 모델이란?

머신러닝이 마케팅 생태계 내에서 지속적으로 발전함에 따라 현대화된 알고리즘 접근법의 해석력이 중요해지고 있습니다. 지난 번 게시했던 머신러닝 해석력 관련 블로그에서 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝을 신뢰하기 위한 필수 조건, 데이터 세트를 이해하고 해석하는 방법, 그리고 머신러닝 모델의 작동 원리에 대한 인사이트를 도출하는 변수를 표시하는 방법에 대해 설명한 바 있는데요. “우리는 머신러닝에 의해 구동되는 애플리케이션에 둘러싸여 있으며,

Learn SAS | Programming Tips
[프로그래밍 팁] SAS 유니버시티 에디션으로 파이썬 코딩하기

‘국영수코(co)’라는 신조어 들어보셨나요? 국어, 영어, 수학, 코딩(coding)의 약자인데요. 교육부의 ‘2015 개정교육과정’에 따라 올해 3월부터 중학생, 내년부터는 초등학교 5, 6학년 학생의 소프트웨어(SW) 교육이 의무화되면서 코딩 교육과 관련 자격증 열풍이 불고 있습니다. 미국, 영국 등 IT 선진국들은 이미 발 빠르게 코딩 교육을 의무화하며, 4차 산업혁명 시대의 인재 확보에 나섰는데요. SAS 역시 2014년, 학습이나 비상업적인

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Ilknur Kaynar Kabul 0
Interpretability is crucial for trusting AI and machine learning

We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability.  As machine learning takes its place in many recent advances in science and technology, the interpretability of machine learning models grows in importance. We