Advanced Analytics

Move beyond spreadsheets to data mining, forecasting, optimization – and more

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Andrés Mauricio Torres 0
El aprovechamiento de los datos y el espíritu salvaje, las claves para ganar el Tour (y superar desafíos) en este atípico 2020

“El deporte moderno se ha convertido en una gigante base de datos que hay que saber entender para obtener los mejores resultados”, dice Jhon Jairo Osorio, un reconocido periodista deportivo colombiano especializado en ciclismo. Jhon Jairo suele participar como comentarista en las transmisiones que canales de televisión colombianos hacen de

Advanced Analytics
Susan Kahler 0
Video: Image embedding using deep learning with Python (DLPy) and SAS Viya

An embedding model is a way to reduce the dimensionality of input data, such as images. Consider this to be a type of data preparation applied to image analysis. When an embedding model is used, input images are converted into low-dimensional vectors that can be more easily used by other computer vision tasks. The key to good embedding is to train the model so that similar images are converted to similar vectors.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Bruno Maia 0
Cuatro puntos importantes en el uso de la analítica en la crisis del COVID-19

Las soluciones analíticas son muy importantes justo en el momento que vivimos. Tanto en la lucha directa contra la proliferación del virus como en la planificación operativa de los gobiernos y las instituciones de salud, es el instrumento que permite a las empresas enfrentar la crisis económica que surgirá como

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Artificial IoT – Com o relançamento da atividade económica numa fase pós-Covid19, como poderemos alavancar o IoT para tornarmos as nossas empresas fabris mais eficientes.

Com o início do “desconfinamento”, a reabertura das empresas fabris e a entrada faseada em produção, esta é também uma altura importante para pensarmos em como tornar as nossas empresas mais eficientes e em alavancar investimentos efetuados anteriormente. Numa fase em que ainda não estamos a produzir a 100%, a

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Christos Michas 0
+1 ακόμα must have στην καλοκαιρινή λίστα των διακοπών σας!

Αν θέλετε να «σπάσετε» την καλοκαιρινή μονοτονία🙂 ανάμεσα στις θαλάσσιες βουτιές, το χταποδάκι στην ταβέρνα και την χαλάρωση από το διάβασμα ενός βιβλίου, σας έχω μια καλή πρόταση! Εάν δεν καταφέρατε να είστε ένας από τους χιλιάδες επαγγελματίες στον τομέα των analytics που συμμετείχαν από 56 χώρες και παρακολούθησαν το

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
Conciencia situacional, ¿cómo las tecnologías exponenciales ayudan a tomar mejores decisiones frente al COVID-19?

Los gobiernos y los diferentes sectores están creando protocolos para reactivar muchas de las actividades que solíamos hacer antes de la pandemia reduciendo los riesgos. Ante esta nueva etapa de apertura y reactivación, ¿se ha puesto a pensar en el tipo de decisiones que tiene que empezar a tomar ahora?

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Melanie Carey 0
Are your hospital resources at risk of hitting capacity?

How have healthcare providers and governmental agencies predicted the fast-changing, potentially exponential increase in the need for medical services and equipment through the various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic? Mathematical techniques that attempt to model and understand the likely spread of the disease have been instrumental. The SEIR model is

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Carlos Pinheiro 0
Mobility tracing: Helping local authorities in the fight against COVID-19

The current state of policy enforcement during an infectious disease pandemic is mostly reactive. Public health officials track changes in active cases, identify hot-spots and enforce containment policies primarily based on geographic proximity. By combining telecommunications data -- which we turn into mobility information -- with public health data of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Internet of Things | Learn SAS
Oguz Bayrakdar 0
Perde arkası: Bir analitik mimarına sıkça gelen teknik sorular

Teknik mimari çeşitli bir konudur- ancak bazı sorular tekrar tekrar gündeme gelir. Altyapıyı, açık kaynak politikasını, IoT veri yönetimini, paydaş katılımını kapsayan geniş yelpazenin tamamı, kurumsal mimarların oynadığı rolün giderek daha önemli bir hale geldiğine işaret ediyor. Bu yazımda son 12 ay boyunca en sık sorulan on soru ve müşterilerime

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
José Mutis O. 0
SAS, Microsoft y el futuro de la analítica

Quienes seguimos el Virtual SAS Global Forum 2020 realizado este 16 de junio, tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar una conferencia de talla mundial hecha de manera virtual, como bien lo describió nuestra Vicepresidente Mundial de Marketing, Jennifer Chase. Asimismo, tuvimos la oportunidad de presenciar múltiples anuncios hechos durante este día, tal

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Melanie Carey 0
Speed up your COVID-19 research with text analysis: step-by-step

Adverse outcomes, and the rapid spread of COVID-19, have accelerated research on all aspects of the disease. You may have found it overwhelming, and very time-consuming, to find relevant and specialized insights in all the scientific literature out there. To aid researchers in quickly identifying relevant literature about key topics

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | SAS Administrators
Keith Renison 0
Coming soon: Your SAS software, continuously updated

If you're my kids, the term, “continuous integration,” might have you thinking about how much time you’ve spent lately with the family, and “continuous delivery” is what's been happening on the front porch the past few weeks. But to a software developer, these terms mean something entirely different. Combined and

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Jihye Yoo 0
신속한 의사결정을 지원하는 '클라우드 네이티브' 애널리틱스

오늘 6월 17일(미 동부 시간 기준 16일) 온라인으로 개최한 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼 2020’에서 SAS는 최신 클라우드 기술을 접목해 의사결정 과정을 가속화하는 AI 기반 엔터프라이즈 분석 플랫폼의 최신 버전 ‘SAS 바이야 4(SAS® Viya® 4)’를 공개하고 마이크로소프트와 클라우드 전환 가속화를 위한 전략적 파트너십 체결을 발표했습니다. 클라우드로 전환하는 비즈니스 IT 트렌드에 발 맞추어

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | SAS Administrators
Keith Renison 0
Are you ready for true cloud native computing? Meet SAS Viya 4

It’s official: NASA no longer builds spaceships. They’ve outsourced that task. According to NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine, "We're going with commercial partners. NASA is not purchasing, owning and operating the hardware. We're buying the service." Why? Because NASA needs to focus on exploring space, not building the transportation to get

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