SAS Life
Telling the stories of our people, highlighting our culture, and sharing tips for work life balance.Trail mix isn’t just for outdoor adventures. It’s a great snack anyone can keep on hand that doesn’t require refrigeration and can go with you anywhere. Plus, it provides loads of long-lasting energy and is fully customizable to your wants and needs.
When I am feeling stressed, my vision narrows. I feel a little like a horse with blinders. I can’t see the whole picture. I have noticed that when I metaphorically take the blinders off, my stress level tends to decrease. But sometimes I’m just stuck and I don’t even know
Written by Alfred Liu, SAS China R&D Alfred Liu, Head of SAS China Research and Development, shares his story about working through the coronavirus outbreak in China, tips for others going through it and his hopes for a return to normal life soon. The Coronavirus Hits On Dec. 31, when
Being in nature helps my body, mind and spirit. How about you? I also have felt the difference in my stress levels as I sink my feet into the sand at the beach and just smell the salt air. Is it vacation that does this or is it Earthing? Earthing
I have always been an active person. From a young age I was taught to be curious and experience the world in whatever way I could. One of the most effective ways for me to experience the world is through movement - sweating through a particularly intense workout, hiking through
Over the last few weeks, the world has experienced unprecedented events. The current situation with COVID-19 is developing rapidly, and it’s requiring people around the world think outside the box to creatively solve problems – from home. Remote working may be a change for some, and it can be hard