Customer Intelligence Blog
Evolving relationships for business growthI've worked for a lot of different kinds of companies and organizations, run my own business, and been laid off by a big company. I know what it means to be a loyal employee and also to have that loyalty crushed. When I heard SAS' CEO Jim Goodnight say he would accept
David Thomas, SAS Social Media Manager, Part 2 from Jeff Cohen on Vimeo.
No matter how active you are in social media, there's probably someone out there who makes you feel like a cloistered misanthrope. I've met four of those people in the last couple of weeks: Wayne Sutton, Jeff Cohen, Kipp Bodnar and Ryan Boyles. I'm not sure it's possible with the
I spent the early part of this week at the Society for New Communications Research's NewComm Forum (Twitter hashtag #sncr) and Chris Brogan's Inbound Marketing Summit (#ims09) held side-by-side in the same hotel (a wise move considering the challenge of getting people to attend conferences right now). As an enterprise social media
People have been talking about "the Oprah effect," the sudden increase in Twitter users spurred by Oprah Winfrey's very public first tweet: HI TWITTERS . THANK YOU FOR A WARM WELCOME. FEELING REALLY 21st CENTURY. (Someone I'm sure has told her since that using all caps means you're shouting. But hey, maybe
I've been back from our annual user conference, SAS Global Forum, for three weeks but I'm still amazed at what I saw. Even in this economy more than 3,300 dedicated SAS users came together to learn from each other. It was my first time attending the event, and one of