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[SAS로 딥러닝 시작하기#1]기본 DNN, 배치 정규화를 사용한 DNN 모델 구축

딥 러닝은 인공 지능과 함께 유비쿼터스가 된 머신 러닝의 한 영역입니다. 딥 러닝 모델의 복잡하고 뇌와 유사한 구조는 대량의 데이터에서 복잡한 패턴을 찾는 데 사용됩니다. 이러한 모델은 일반 지도 학습 모델, 시계열, 음성 인식, 객체 탐지 및 분류, 감성 분석의 성능을 크게 향상시켰습니다. 사전 정의된 방정식을 실행하도록 데이터를 구성하는 대신

Analytics | Data Visualization
Mary Osborne 0
Anatomy of a swing state

Every presidential candidate has a list of states they’re expected to win, but there are always states that are too close to call because they have similar numbers of registered voters for each of the two dominant political parties: Democrat and Republican. It’s in these “swing” states that candidates invest

Beste Oztunc 0
Hızla Gelişen Teknolojiye Ayak Uydurmak için Veri Bilimi Sözlüğü Uygulaması

Teknoloji dur durak tanımıyor, günbegün yeni buluşlarla, atılımlarla ve daha nicesiyle tanışıyoruz. Daha da önemlisi, bunu artık anlık olarak yapıyoruz. İnternet çağının katkılarıyla, Türkiye’de yaşayan bir kişi dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde, dün yapılmış bir çalışmayı hemen kişisel bilgisayarının rahatlığıyla okuyabiliyor. Tabii ki, bu kadar hızlı gelişmenin artıları olurken eksileri de

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Wayne Thompson 0
6 questions about the future of AI  

What does the AI enterprise of the future look like? That’s a tough question that I’ve been asked to consider, along with a distinguished panel at Valley ML AI Expo 2020.  The title of the panel is, “Life, the Universe and the AI Enterprise of the Future.” Based on an initial chat with panel chair Gautam Khera, I’ve written up some possible topics we’ll be covering on the panel. Consider

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Is short-term demand sensing a key component of your digital supply chain transformation?

Depending on who you talk to, you'll get varying definitions and opinions regarding demand sensing. Anything from sensing short-range replenishment based on sales orders, to the manual blending of point-of-sales (POS) data and shipments. But a key component for retailers and CPG companies is accurately forecasting short-term consumer demand to

Analytics | Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Lee Ellen Harmer 0
Sanitize before you share: thinking critically about COVID-19 data

Being overwhelmed by the volume of news isn’t a new phenomenon. But today, our sense of being overwhelmed has increased and triggered feelings of fear, frustration and anxiety, given the ongoing developments and research tied to COVID-19. How do we sift through the volume of information facing us and truly understand whether the news we consume is factual or based on

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