An UpSet plot is used to visualize intersections of sets. In this post, we will illustrate techniques to create this plot using the Graph Template Language (GTL). We assume that you are familiar with GTL. From the point of view of construction, we leverage the LATTICE layout available in GTL
Interview with Chief Digital Officer at SAMSON: Dr. Thorsten Pötter.
„Wir wollen mit #HackinSAS aus vielen jungen Ideen die besten auf einer Plattform zu innovativen Produkten weiterbauen.“
Go from gridlocked model development to accelerated innovation by moving to the cloud.
Look at the following matrices. Do you notice anything that these matrices have in common? If you noticed that the rows of each matrix are arithmetic progressions, good for you. For each row, there is a constant difference (also called the "increment") between adjacent elements. For these examples: In the
This is another in my series of blogs where I take a deep dive into converting a customized R graph into a SAS ODS Graphics graph. This time the example is a needle plot (that's essentially like a bar plot, with lots of tiny bars, plotted along a continuous xaxis).
In a previous article, I showed how to generate random points uniformly inside a d-dimensional sphere. In that article, I stated the following fact: If Y is drawn from the uncorrelated multivariate normal distribution, then S = Y / ||Y|| has the uniform distribution on the unit sphere. I was
Globus (Rouven Dörr) and DFKI (Frederic Kerber) tackle the big questions about the future of AI in supermarkets.
I previously blogged about the impact drafting offensive linemen has on winning and making the playoffs. Since I wrote that, we have new data points to add to the analysis and an exciting finale to this NFL season. In this blog post, I’ll explore a few more arguments both in
Imagine an animal that is searching for food in a vast environment where food is scarce. If no prey is nearby, the animal's senses (such as smell and sight) are useless. In that case, a reasonable search strategy is a random walk. The animal can choose a random direction, walk/swim/fly
In conversation with Sophie Achermann, co-founder of the platform
In the past, Sanjay showed how to create several basic graphs using both R and SAS ODS Graphics code. I'm going to take a bit of a "deeper dive" and focus a series of blog posts on highly customized graphs. Hopefully the code for these customizations will provide you with
Economic, tech and regulatory trends are shifting asset liability management strategies.
Stu Bradley evaluates his 2020 predictions for fraud, AML compliance and security.
Im Talk mit Sophie Achermann, Co-Founderin der Plattform
The inverse gamma distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is used in Bayesian analysis and in some statistical models. The inverse gamma distribution is closely related to the gamma distribution. For any probability distribution, it is essential to know how to compute four functions: the PDF function, which returns
Safety, efficacy, speed and costs must all be prioritized and balanced in the delivery of life-changing therapies to patients. A drug that's quickly and cost-efficiently delivered to market, but isn’t effective and safe is unacceptable. An effective, safe drug that doesn’t get to patients in time to save lives has
Years ago, I wrote about how to compute the incomplete beta function in SAS. Recently, a SAS programmer asked about a similar function, called the incomplete gamma function. The incomplete gamma function is a "special function" that arises in applied math, physics, and statistics. You should not confuse the gamma
A note from Udo Sglavo: When people ask me what makes SAS unique in the area of analytics, I will mention the breadth of our analytic portfolio at some stage. In this blog series, we looked at several essential components of our analytical ecosystem already. It is about time to
It’s been a full eight years since HBR declared that data scientists hold the sexiest job of the 21st century. Yet, here we are in 2021, and the work of data scientists is still found outside the spotlight in many settings. Younger data scientists, in particular, can find it hard
We talked with Dalith Steiger-Gablinger, co-founder of AI Hub SwissCognitiv.
I recently had a discussion with a friend, and we were wondering about Apple's market share. This led me to look into the actual data ... finding the online charts lacking, and then designing my own charts. Follow along if you're curious about the process of improving the charts, or
I’ve dabbled in the energy meridian system for fifteen years. I’ve personally experienced acupuncture for much of those with great success. While I’ve learned about prana or qi/chi (energy) in yoga and have created class sequences to open those channels, it wasn’t until the last few years that I started
Editor's note: This blog post is part of a series of posts, originally published here by our partner News Literacy Project, exploring the role of data in understanding our world. Like infographics, social media and other forms of user-generated content pose unique challenges regarding data. Many news outlets and journalists have checks and balances
This is the third and last introductory article about how to bootstrap time series in SAS. In the first article, I presented the simple block bootstrap and discussed why bootstrapping a time series is more complicated than for regression models that assume independent errors. Briefly, when you perform residual resampling
Over 57 billion minutes of The Office was streamed in 2020. My family bears some responsibility. Here's our activity visualized -- using SAS.
What if you had a technology solution that creates a real-time link between the customer demand signal and what's happening on the ground? What if plans that are being steered centrally could finally be connected to every shipping lane, while simultaneously, creating cost saving carrier adjustments? The first-of-its kind integration
Have you ever heard of the DOLIST syntax? You might know the syntax even if you are not familiar with the name. The DOLIST syntax is a way to specify a list of numerical values to an option in a SAS procedure. Applications include: Specify the end points for bins
The management of the COVID-19 vaccination program is one of the most complex tasks in modern history. Even without the added complications of administering the vaccine during a pandemic, the race to vaccinate the populations who need it most all while maintaining the necessary cold-storage protocols, meeting double dose requirements,
지난해는 전례없는 코로나19 대유행으로 전 세계의 각국 정부 및 기업은 코로나19로 인한 위기를 극복하고자 디지털 트랜스포메이션을 통한 혁신을 가속화한 한 해였습니다. 불확실성 속에 찾아온 2021년, SAS의 여러 전문가들은 2021년 데이터 분석 트렌드를 인공지능(AI), 클라우드, 백신 등의 키워드를 통해 전망했습니다. 2021년 주목해야 할 데이터 분석 8가지 트렌드를 소개합니다. 기업의 임원들이 AI를