Data Visualization

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Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
New features with SAS 9.40 M5

SAS 9.4 maintenance release 5 was released on Sept 19, 2017.  This release includes many new items including integration with SAS Viya and SAS Studio, a web application for SAS development.  Also Included with this release are some cool new features in the graphics domain, some of which were requested

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Getting started with SGPLOT - Part 8 - Horizontal HighLow Plot

On a recent visit to an In-House Users Group meeting at a Pharmaceutical company, I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SG Procedures.  Polling the audience for their experience with these procedures indicated that many SAS users are not familiar with these new ways to create graphs. So,

Analytics | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
Education analytics: The benefits of using data visualization and analytics

For our third installment in this blog post series, let’s continue our journey to learn more from three SAS education customers. Today, we'll hear about the benefits their users and institutions have received by using SAS for data visualization and analytics. In this post, you'll hear from: Linda Sullivan, Assistant Vice President

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
인공지능(AI) 활용 엔터프라이즈 분석 플랫폼 ‘SAS 바이야(SAS Viya)’

분석이 매 순간, 데이터가 존재하는 모든 곳에 적용된다면 어떤 일들이 가능해질까요? 오늘날 우리는 데이터가 사회와 경제를 움직이는 ‘데이터 이코노미’ 시대에 살고 있습니다. IDC는 오는 2025년 전 세계 데이터 양이 현재의 10배에 달하는 163제타바이트(ZB)에 이를 것으로 전망했는데요. 그러나 데이터는 그 자체만으로 유용하지 않습니다. 모든 데이터는 대기 시간과 유효 기간의 속성을 지니기

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Stock chart

In the previous article on Getting Started with Vertical HighLow Plot, I described how we can use the HighLow plot to display the stock price by date.  The HighLow plot is specifically designed for such use cases as shown below. The data is downloaded from the Nasdaq web site, and

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Thomas Bodenmüller-Dodek 0
Blogparade: MyParadise Found – Finden Sie Ihr persönliches Paradies!

Blogparade startet: Vor Kurzem wurde ja bereits der analytisch beste Ort der Welt gefunden und gekürt. Dazu hat SAS aus fast 150.000 Orten in rund 200 Ländern jede Menge Daten gesammelt und mit modernsten Machine-Learning-Verfahren ausgewertet. Rund 100 sogenannte Prädiktoren, also mögliche Einflussgrößen auf „paradiesische“ Verhältnisse, spuckten West Perth aus

Analytics | Data Visualization
Robert Ruf 0
#Schönwetterfahrer – oder was man im Urlaub über Datenvisualisierung lernen kann

Datenvisualisierung – Manchmal braucht man einfach extrinsische Motivationsfaktoren, um andere Wege zu gehen. Die Zweiradreisenden unter uns kennen und schätzen die besondere Art der Fortbewegung (ohne Blechdach) mit all ihren Vor- und Nachteilen. Eine begrenzte Gepäckkapazität, fehlende Klimatisierung, größere Unfallgefahr usw. sind Faktoren, mit denen man dabei leben muss. Was

Data Visualization | Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
The path of zip codes

Toe bone connected to the foot bone, Foot bone connected to the leg bone, Leg bone connected to the knee bone,...              — American Spiritual, "Dem Bones" Last week I read an interesting article on Robert Kosara's data visualization blog. Kosara connected the geographic centers of the US zip codes in

Data Visualization | Programming Tips
Warren F. Kuhfeld 0
Advanced ODS Graphics: Examining and processing templates

This post shows a variety of techniques including how to use PROC TEMPLATE and the SOURCE statement, PROC SGPLOT with multiple Y-axis tables, create comparable axes in two side-by-side graphs, create a broken axis, write and use a table template that wraps text, and find and display examples of certain statements in graph templates and fonts in style templates.

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