
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Analytics | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
An explicit formula for eigenvalues of an AR(1) correlation matrix

The first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) correlation structure is important for applications in time series modeling and for repeated measures analysis. The AR(1) model provides a simple situations where measurements (on the same subject) that are closer in time are correlated more strongly than measurements recorded far apart. The AR(1) model uses

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 tips voor het kiezen van een statistische rekenomgeving

Wanneer je denkt aan levensreddende technologie, denk je dan aan een statistische computeromgeving? Statistische rekenomgevingen (SCE) zijn essentieel voor het bevorderen van wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen door onderzoekers de mogelijkheid te bieden om gegevens efficiënt en volgens de regels te beheren, verwerken en analyseren, waarbij de integriteit van de regelgeving zo goed

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Yulia Paramonova 0
De la préparation des données au machine learning : pourquoi les utilisateurs adorent les Workshops Viya

Par Yulia Paramonova, Sr Associate Systems Engineer, SAS Viya Experience : quand l'analytique devient un jeu d’enfant En 2024, nous avons eu le privilège d’animer 20 ateliers Viya Experience, rassemblant 108 participants venant de 36 entreprises différentes. Ces sessions interactives ont permis à des professionnels de tous horizons de tester

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Hyeshin Hwang 0
보다 투명한 장기요양 노인 돌봄 서비스를 위하여!

국민건강보험공단, 장기요양보험 노인 돌봄 서비스의 투명성을 높이고, 부정 수급 탐지율을 높이는 RFID Tag Fraud Detection 시스템으로 2024년 ‘SAS 해커톤’ 대회 본선 진출! SAS는 전세계 데이터 사이언티스트와 개발자, 학생들, 그리고 SAS 고객 및 파트너를 대상으로 매년 데이터 분석 솔루션 경진대회인 ‘해커톤(Hackathon)’을 진행하고 있습니다. 2024년 대회에는 70여 개국 1,731명의 참가자가 등록했으며, 최종적으로

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 consejos para elegir un entorno informático estadístico

Cuando piensa en tecnología que salva vidas, ¿le viene a la mente un entorno informático estadístico? Los entornos de cálculo estadístico (SCE, por sus siglas en inglés) son fundamentales para acelerar los descubrimientos científicos, ya que permiten a los investigadores gestionar, procesar y analizar los datos de forma eficiente y

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 consigli per scegliere un ambiente di calcolo statistico

Ti viene in mente un ambiente di calcolo statistico, quando pensi alle tecnologie salvavita? Eppure gli ambienti di calcolo statistico (Statistical computing environment, SCE) sono determinanti per accelerare le scoperte scientifiche, in quanto consentono ai ricercatori di gestire, elaborare e analizzare i dati in modo efficiente e rigoroso, mantenendo la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 Tipps zur Auswahl einer statistischen Rechenumgebung

Denken Sie bei lebensrettender Technologie an eine statistische Rechenumgebung? Umgebungen für statistische Berechnungen (SCE) sind für die Beschleunigung wissenschaftlicher Aufdeckungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Sie ermöglichen es Forschern, Daten effizient und konform zu verwalten, zu verarbeiten und zu analysieren, unter Wahrung der größtmöglichen regulatorischen Integrität. Da die Forschung im Bereich der

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Predictions
Seema Rathor 0
Customer experience in banking: Change is the name of the game

The rise of digital banking, driven by tech-savvy consumers, has permanently transformed the financial services landscape. Both individuals and businesses now demand seamless, user-friendly experiences, to manage their finances effortlessly across multiple platforms. Generational shifts in expectations Younger generations, including Gen Z and Millennials, have distinct financial expectations compared to

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 tips til at vælge et statistisk databehandlingsmiljø

Når du tænker på livsvigtig teknologi, kommer du så til at tænke på et statistisk databehandlingsmiljø? Statistiske databehandlingsmiljøer (SCE) er afgørende for at fremskynde videnskabelige opdagelser ved at gøre det muligt for forskere at administrere, behandle og analysere data effektivt og i overensstemmelse med reglerne og opretholde den største lovgivningsmæssige

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Programming Tips
Elizabeth Bautista 0
¡Hablemos del amor en el lenguaje de programación en SAS Workbench!

En el nuevo ambiente analítico bajo demanda, SAS Workbench conduce directamente al aumento de la productividad, rendimiento y confianza entre los desarrolladores de la Inteligencia Artificial. Como uno de los recientes lanzamientos de SAS, Viya Workbench este es un ambiente de cómputo que fue pensado para desarrolladores y modeladores para

Analytics | Risk Management
Hyeshin Hwang 0
2025년은 혁신을 실천하는 ‘현대 보험사’의 해가 될 것

SAS의 업계 전문가는 보험업계의 불확실성 속에서도 새로운 기술과 신뢰가 보험사를 주도할 것으로 전망합니다. 보험사들이 기후 변화의 영향으로 조심스러운 행보를 보이고 있는 가운데, 차세대 보험 전문가들이 업계를 이끌어 나갈 것으로 예측됩니다. SAS 전문가들은 2025년이 현대 보험사의 해가 될 것이며, 혁신을 추진하는 보험사들이 업계 중점 과제들에 과감히 맞서며 향상된 속도와 생산성, 신뢰할

Analytics | Machine Learning
Hyeshin Hwang 0
SAS, 2024년 4개 애널리스트 AI 평가에서 ‘리더’로 선정

업계 탑 애널리스트 평가 결과, SAS 바이야(Viya)는 AI/ML 개발 및 의사 결정의 모든 단계에서 리더십을 입증했습니다. 최고의 애널리스트 회사들은 오랫동안 SAS와 SAS 기술력의 우수성을 인정해 왔습니다. 이러한 높은 평가는 2024년에도 변함이 없었습니다. SAS와 SAS 바이야 플랫폼은 지난해에도 AI/ML 개발 및 의사 결정 부문의 리더임을 다시 입증 받았습니다. 실제로 SAS는 IDC,

Analytics | Equity and Responsibility
Lilia Rodriguez 0
Empowering educators through analytics: Perspectives from the 2025 HBCU+ Fellows

The SAS HBCU+ Fellows Program launched in 2023 with a mission to support faculty from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs) with the tools, skills and knowledge to bring analytics into their classrooms and inspire the next generation of data-driven leaders. Since then, this initiative

Analytics | Data Management | Predictions
Stu Bradley 0
Data privacy perspectives: How financial services firms can foster trust in the AI age

Every year, as Data Privacy Week sharpens the focus on protecting personal information, I’m reminded of a customer event a major North American bank hosted at SAS world headquarters. The bank’s chief data officer led a roundtable discussion on generative AI (GenAI) with a group of esteemed data and AI experts. The

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