Customer Intelligence Blog

Evolving relationships for business growth
Customer Intelligence
Brian Vellmure 0
The digitization of everything – its impact on the buyer’s journey and marketing’s role

For nearly a century, the buyer’s journey was relatively linear. Advertising messages distributed across a few mass media outlets were the primary method of spreading awareness. Purchase consideration generally occurred by reading product brochures and conversing with salespeople, friends and family.  A purchase was made, and if the product did

Customer Intelligence
John Balla 0
Need to solve a big data marketing problem? Visualize it.

Developments in advanced analytics, data visualization and processing power are opening new doors to solve big data marketing problems. Most notably, the time horizon on our perspective has broadened into the future by progressing From descriptive analysis (What happened?) To diagnostic analysis (Why did it happen?), To predictive analysis (What will happen?) and then To prescriptive

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